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Wrist Arthroscopy

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Wrist Arthroscopy Surgery in Karol Bagh, Delhi

Wrist arthroscopy is keyhole surgery wherein a thin small telescope known as an arthroscope is inserted through a small incision in the wrist. This enables the best orthopedic surgeon in Delhi to check inside the two primary joints of the wrist. It is used for the treatment of wrist injuries.

So, it is a surgical procedure used for treating and diagnosing problems inside the wrist joint. This is usually performed when you have a wrist injury that is causing swelling, pain or clicking.

What is wrist arthroscopy?

An orthopedic surgeon in Karol Bagh makes a small incision on the skin in a certain location around the joint. The incision is about half an inch long, and the arthroscope is about the size of a pencil. This arthroscopy has a small lens, a lighting system and a miniature camera.

The 3D images of the joint are projected through the camera on a television monitor. Your surgeon will keep a check on the monitor as they move the instrument inside the joint.

Forceps, knives, probes and shavers at the end of the arthroscope are used for correcting the issues uncovered by a surgeon.

Who qualifies for wrist arthroscopy?

In case you are experiencing unbearable pain in the wrist, you should consider wrist arthroscopy. If you have been experiencing pain in your wrist for more than three days,

request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

Why is wrist arthroscopy conducted?

Wrist arthroscopy can diagnose and also treat a wide range of wrist problems. This includes:

  • Wrist fractures: Wrist fractures can be realigned. Fragments of the bone from the joint after a fracture might be removed. A distal radius is one of the most common wrist fractures. This occurs if you fall on an outstretched arm. 
  • Chronic wrist pain: Cartilage damage can be smoothened through the process. 
  • Sprained wrist: It can repair ligament tears.
  • Ganglion cysts: With this treatment, doctors can remove ganglions of the wrist and a stalk, which often grows between the two wrist bones where the ganglion cysts develop.

What are the benefits?

Being a minimally invasive process, there are various advantages of arthroscopic surgery over conventional surgery. Let’s take a look at these advantages:

  • Lower chances of infection rate and less scarring from smaller surgical incisions
  • Quicker return to complete mobility after the surgery
  • Easier to access the condition of the tissues, ligaments and cartilage
  • Less pain and quick recovery due to smaller cuts
  • A brief outpatient or hospital stay

The procedure is usually performed at an outpatient facility with the help of regional anesthesia that ensures that the arm and hand will be numb, and the patient won’t feel any pain at the time of the procedure. After the surgery, stitches are used for closing the incision, and dressing is used to keep the wounds clean. A splint might be used sometimes for stabilizing the wrist joint and facilitating healing. Athletes will be able to return to sports easily as they experience less postoperative pain. In this procedure, the healing time is considerably less.

What are the complications?

Any complication during the procedure is unusual. These might include infection, excessive swelling, nerve injuries, scarring, bleeding or tearing of the tendon. An orthopedic doctor near you will discuss the complications of wrist arthroscopy with you before the surgery.

How long does wrist arthroscopy take?

Many small incisions are made along the wrist that allows a surgeon to check the wrist from various angles. Typically, the surgery lasts for 20 minutes to 2 hours.

Is wrist arthroscopy a painful procedure?

Your wrist and arm area will be numbed for the procedure. Thus, you are not going to feel any pain. If you are given regional anesthesia, you will be provided with medicine that will make you sleepy during the procedure.

How long do I have to be off work after wrist arthroscopy?

After the procedure is performed, you will need a minimum of 2 weeks off from work. But the amount of time you will need to recover depends on the bone that was broken. If it is on the hand that you use for most of your work, you have to take more time off to get back to work.

Can you drive after wrist arthroscopy?

The majority of the patients could drive within three weeks of wrist arthroscopy. Pain is the main limiting factor that affects driving ability.


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