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Best Allergies Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi

Allergies develop when your immune system reacts to an external substance — such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander — or to a meal that normally causes no reaction in the majority of individuals.

Your body produces antibodies, which are chemicals. If your immune system is allergic to certain substances, it creates antibodies that recognize certain allergens as hazardous, even if they are not. When you are in touch with the allergen, your skin, sinuses, airway and digestive tract may get inflamed, thanks to the reaction of your immune system.

The intensity of allergies might vary from slight discomfort to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition. While most allergies cannot be cured, therapies can help alleviate your symptoms of allergy.

You should see general medicine doctors in New Delhi if you have allergies.

The general medicine doctors in New Delhi are well-trained health professionals who provide patients with a wide choice of non-surgical treatments.

What are the common symptoms of allergies?

Common allergy symptoms include:

  • Sneezing and itching, runny or blocked nose
  • Eye redness, water and itching
  • Wheezing, breathlessness and coughing
  • Swollen lips, tongue, eyes or face
  • Discomfort in the stomach, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Skin that is dry, red and cracked

What causes allergies?

When your immune system misidentifies a usually harmless chemical as a harmful invader, an allergy develops. The immune system then develops antibodies for this particular allergen that stay alerted. When the allergen is exposed, these antibodies may produce various immune system chemicals, including histamine, which cause allergic symptoms.

The common triggers of allergies include:

  • Airborne allergens including pollen, dander, dust mites and mold
  • Stings of insects, such as bees or wasps
  • Medicines, notably antibiotics based on penicillin
  • Latex or other substances that may cause allergic skin reactions 

When do you need to see a doctor?

  • If you have allergies such as watery eyes, runny nose and cough for over a month, it's time to consult a doctor, particularly if the symptoms interfere with your everyday life.
  • If over-the-counter medicines are ineffective
  • If you have a history of ear infections, sinus infections, or headaches
  • If allergic reactions result in snoring, which results in insomnia
  • While these illnesses may provide you with some time before developing complications, and if you have any other medical concerns, such as heart problems, diabetes or thyroid-related issues, you should visit a doctor immediately after diagnosing the allergy symptoms.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the risk factors?

You may get an allergy if:

  • There is a family history of allergies.
  • You suffer from asthma or other allergic disorders.

What are the possible complications?

  • Anaphylaxis - This acute allergic reaction is likely to occur if you have severe allergies. Anaphylaxis is most often caused by meals, medications and insect stings.
  • Asthma - Asthma is more likely to develop if you have an allergy. Asthma is frequently triggered by environmental allergies.
  • Sinusitis and ear and lung infections - If you have hay fever or asthma, your chance of developing these illnesses increases.

How are allergies treated?

Allergy treatments include the following:

  • Avoidance of allergens - Your doctor will help you in identifying and avoiding allergy triggers. It is the most critical step in avoiding allergic reactions and alleviating symptoms in the majority of cases.
  • Medications - Depending on the severity of your allergy, medicines may help suppress your immune system's response and alleviate symptoms. Your physician may prescribe over-the-counter medicine or prescription drugs in tablet, liquid or nasal spray forms.
  • Immunotherapy - Your doctor may prescribe allergen immunotherapy if you have severe allergies or if previous treatments do not entirely alleviate your symptoms. This technique involves administering a series of pure allergen extract injections over a period of many years.
  • Another type of immunotherapy is a tablet put under the tongue until it dissolves (sublingual). Certain pollen allergies are treated using sublingual medications.


Allergies are widespread and seldom have fatal consequences for the majority of people. Anaphylaxis patients may learn how to manage their allergies as well as what to do in an emergency.
The majority of allergies may be managed via avoidance, medicine and lifestyle modifications. Working with your doctor or allergist may help you prevent severe issues while also improving your quality of life.

Who is at a risk of developing an allergy?

Anyone, regardless of age, can acquire an allergy. Although allergies are more common in youngsters, they can develop at any age for the first time.

Are allergies potentially life-threatening?

Generally, allergy symptoms are not life-threatening. Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal allergic reaction.

How can I make my allergy symptoms less severe?

Avoiding pollen by remaining indoors, avoiding situations that stir up pollen and scheduling outside activities later in the afternoon when grass pollen levels are lower can help manage allergy symptoms.


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