Gastric Bypass Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi
Gastric Bypass
Gastric bypass surgery is a special type of weight-loss procedure that is generally chosen by people who are obese and are not able to lose weight naturally.
It is considered when a person suffers from severe health issues due to their weight and is not able to shed the extra weight through diets or workouts. Visit the best gastric bypass surgery hospital in Delhi for a hassle-free surgery.
What is gastric bypass surgery?
Gastric bypass is a common surgical procedure performed for weight loss. It works by decreasing the amount you can consume and limits the absorption of various nutrients in your body.
In this procedure, the surgeon will cut the top portion of your stomach and seal it from the rest of the stomach. This will give the stomach a pouch-shaped appearance. Our stomach is capable of holding 3 pints of food at a time. However, this pouch will be able to hold only about an ounce of food at a time.
The surgeon will then cut a portion of your intestine and connect it with the pouch. This will ensure that the food bypasses the stomach and directly goes into the small intestine.
To know more about the procedure, visit the best gastric bypass surgery specialist in Karol Bagh.
Who usually needs gastric bypass surgery?
Gastric bypass surgery is usually considered by people who meet the following criteria:
- You have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 40 or higher.
- You have a BMI of between 35 and 39.9 but suffer from severe health issues like blood pressure or Type - 2 diabetes.
- Your weight is interfering with your overall health and you need to lose it in a short period.
What are the symptoms that show you may require gastric bypass surgery?
- Heartburn
- Severe acid reflux
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Dark or clay-colored stool
- Chest pain
- Indigestion and constipation
- Loss of appetite
- Bloating
- Anemia
- Inability to perform daily activities
When do you need to see a doctor?
If you are obese and are not able to lose weight naturally, then you may visit your doctor to know more about gastric bypass. If you suffer from any gastric diseases that may require gastric bypass surgery, visit your doctor immediately. For consultation,
request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are the risks involved in the treatment?
- Excessive bleeding from the abdomen
- Bacterial infections in the abdomen
- Clotting of blood
- Severe abdominal pain
- Allergic reactions to anesthesia
- Death (rare)
Long-term risks and complications of gastric bypass surgery may vary from person to person and depend on the type of disease. They can include:
- Bowel obstruction
- Development of ulcers and hernias
- Abdominal wall perforations
- Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
- Malnutrition
- Gallstones
- A decrease in blood sugar
- Gastrointestinal leaks
What are the benefits of gastric bypass surgery?
The benefits of gastric bypass surgery are as follows:
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Alleviates other chronic medical conditions
- Eliminates obstructive sleep apnea
- Improves fertility and reduces the chances of miscarriage due to obesity
- Reduces risk of diabetes and blood pressure
- Provides relief from acid reflux
Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures. It is the best surgical method to lose weight and treat gastric diseases. It is also safe and rarely leads to any complications. Consult your gastric bypass surgery specialist in Delhi if you have any doubts before the surgery, and go for consultations regularly after the surgery for best results.
A person who suffers from a severe medical condition that may worsen post surgery cannot undergo gastric bypass surgery. Visit the best gastric bypass surgery specialist in Karol Bagh for more information.
Yes, generally people between the age of 18 and 65 years can undergo gastric bypass surgery to lose weight or treat any gastric disorder. People below 18 or over 65 cannot undergo this surgery.
Yes, gastric bypass surgery is a safe procedure and performed by qualified bariatric surgeons.
No, gastric bypass surgery is performed under anesthesia, so the surgery will not be painful. Visit the best gastric bypass doctor in Karol Bagh for a pain-free treatment.
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