Cyst Treatment in Karol Bagh, Delhi
Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that usually develop in or on the surface of your ovaries. Most women develop a cyst at least once in their lifetime. However, most of these cysts do not cause any pain or discomfort, thereby causing no visible symptoms. In most cases, cysts do not need any treatment and usually go away on their own after some time.
Cysts that rupture in the ovaries can cause severe symptoms. This is why it is essential that you get regular pelvic exams to help detect cysts or other abnormalities in your reproductive system.
To know more, consult a gynecology doctor near you or visit a gynecology hospital near you.
What are the different types of cysts?
- Follicle cyst
During your menstrual cycle, the egg grows in a sac known as a follicle. The follicle breaks and releases the egg. However, in some cases where the follicle does not break, the fluid inside it accumulates and forms a cyst. - Corpus luteum cyst
Usually, a follicle cyst dissolves after it releases the egg. But in some cases where the egg is not released, additional fluid builds up inside the follicle. This is known as a corpus luteum cyst. - Dermoid cyst
Cysts that develop on the ovaries are known as dermoid cysts. These cysts contain fat, hair and other tissues. - Cystadenomas
These are noncancerous cysts that develop on the surface of the ovaries. Cystadenomas are usually filled with a watery or mucous material.
What are the symptoms of a cyst?
More often than not, cysts do not cause any symptoms. However, as the cyst grows, you may experience the following symptoms:
- Pelvic pain before or during your menstrual cycle
- Abdominal swelling or bloating
- Painful bowel movements
- Tenderness in your breasts
- Painful sexual intercourse
- Vomiting and nausea
If you experience any of these symptoms, consult a cyst doctor near you.
What causes a cyst?
Cysts can be caused due to several underlying conditions. One of them is endometriosis. It occurs when the pieces of the tissue that lines your uterus, the endometrium, are found in your fallopian tubes, vagina or ovaries. Sometimes, blood-filled cysts can form in the endometrium.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS, is another condition that can cause several small, harmless cysts on the surface of your ovaries.
When should you visit a doctor?
Consult a cyst specialist near you if you experience:
- Sudden, severe pain in your abdomen or pelvic region
- Lightheadedness
- Weakness
- Rapid breathing
- Abdominal pain along with fever and chills
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
How is a cyst treated?
Depending on the location, size and type of your cyst(s), the doctor may recommend a treatment plan for you.
The standard treatment options include:
- Watchful waiting
If you experience no symptoms and a routine ultrasound helps diagnose your cysts, the doctor may recommend that you wait for a few months to see if they go away on their own. After that, however, you may have regular checkups to keep an eye on the growth of the cysts. - Birth control pills
In cases of recurrent cysts, the doctor may recommend birth control pills. These will stop ovulation and prevent the development of new cysts in your reproductive system. Birth control pills can also help reduce your risk of developing ovarian cancer. - Surgery
If you develop large or multiple cysts that keep growing, the doctor may recommend removing them surgically.
In some cases, the surgeon may remove the cysts without removing the ovaries. This procedure is known as an ovarian cystectomy. In other cases, the doctor may recommend removing the affected ovary and leaving the other one behind. This procedure is known as an oophorectomy.
If the cysts are cancerous, your doctor may refer you to a cyst specialist in Delhi. He/she may be able to assess your condition better and recommend the appropriate treatment for you.
Cysts are usually benign and do not cause any symptoms. However, as the cysts continue to grow, you may experience severe symptoms. Visit a cyst specialist near you if you start to notice mild symptoms. An early diagnosis and proper treatment can help avoid future complications.
This varies in each woman. However, recurrent cysts are more common in women with hormone imbalances or premenopausal women.
When left untreated, cysts can grow and even decrease fertility. This is more commonly seen in endometriomas and PCOS cases.
There is no possible way of entirely preventing cysts. However, it is recommended that you visit your doctor regularly for routine gynecological examinations. This can help detect cysts in the early stages.
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