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Rehabilitation Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi


Rehabilitation is the restoration of your optimal body form and function after any injury. Sports Medicine Rehabilitation is a program developed by physiotherapists for any individual who is suffering from any sports-related injuries. Based on the type of your injury, your rehabilitation plan will be a mix of strengthening exercises and mobilization exercises, ensuring that you return to your previous functioning ability. Sports Medicine Rehabilitation will ensure maximum recovery from your sports injury by tailoring your rehabilitation plan based on your goals and how well you are progressing.

What does rehabilitation entail?

Rehabilitation can be done in a hospital setting, at a rehabilitation center or as an outpatient procedure. During your rehabilitation visits, your rehabilitation therapist will evaluate your injury and overall condition, your symptoms, limitations, level of pain and recommendations from your doctor (if any). After the assessment, your rehabilitation team and you will devise a rehabilitation plan depending on the goals you want to achieve. Based on these goals, an individualized rehabilitation plan will be made. Your rehabilitation therapist will measure, monitor and track your progress, and make changes if required. The main components of a rehabilitation program are as follows:

  • Pain management
  • Exercises for flexibility and joint movement
  • Strength and endurance exercises
  • Ensuring that you return to your optimal athletic functioning
  • Use of orthotics which are braces or footwear that will be required to correct your muscle imbalance or inflexibility in your uninjured areas.

To know more, you can search for the best rehabilitation center near me, best rehabilitation therapy in Delhi or

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

Who is qualified to conduct rehabilitation?

An orthopedic surgeon will be in charge of the rehabilitation program. An orthopedic surgeon treats, prevents and rehabilitates sports-related injuries involving your bones, muscles, joints and tendons.

A rehabilitation program is a multidisciplinary approach that involves a number of members of the healthcare team. They include sports physicians, orthopedists, physiotherapists, physiatrists (rehabilitation medicine practitioners), rehabilitation workers, coaches, physical educators, athletic trainers, psychologists and nutritionists.

Communication is essential among the rehabilitation team, the athlete and the coach to identify goals, progress and time frame for your return to the sport.

Why is rehabilitation conducted?

Rehabilitation is conducted for the following reasons:

  • Post-surgery recovery
  • Treatment of injuries
  • Ankle rehabilitation for ankle sprains, fractures and other ankle injuries
  • Back rehabilitation for spinal fractures and injuries
  • Hip rehabilitation for hip fractures and injuries
  • Knee rehabilitation for dislocated knee, ligament tear or other knee-related injuries
  • Shoulder rehabilitation for shoulder injuries and shoulder pain
  • Wrist rehabilitation for wrist injuries

What are the benefits?

  • Helps in faster recovery and quicker return to sports
  • Helps in strengthening muscles that have been weakened
  • Helps in post-injury pain and inflammation reduction
  • Maintains cardiovascular fitness even if you have taken a break from sports
  • Minimizes the risk of any injuries in the future
  • Improves your flexibility and coordination
  • Provides you with advice on what footwear or equipment you may require

What are the risks?

As such, there are not many risks or complications associated with rehabilitation. However, if you do not initiate treatment soon, injuries may result in persistent symptoms which may lead to complications. These complications may include weakness, chronic pain, limited range of mobility and even disability. By following your rehabilitation plan, you can reduce your future risks.

What can I do to facilitate rehabilitation?

You can lose excess weight, provide a detailed medical history to your health care provider, stop smoking to ensure quicker healing, and take or stop taking medications, as ordered by your doctor.

What can I expect post rehabilitation?

Your rehabilitation team will communicate your progress to you. Once you achieve your goals, you will be discharged from the rehabilitation program. Your rehabilitation team will teach you exercises and strategies which you can do at home.

How many sessions will I need?

The frequency of your visits will depend on your diagnosis, past history, the severity of the injury and other such factors. Your rehabilitation team will periodically evaluate your progress and will inform you accordingly, regarding your future frequency of visits.

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