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Liver Care

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Liver Diseases Treatment in Karol Bagh, Delhi

Introduction to liver care

The liver is a vital organ. It handles various bodily functions including detoxification (removal of waste products from your body), digestion of food, production of protein, iron, glucose, clotting of blood, and protein metabolism (conversion of food to energy). Certain factors like alcohol, viruses, or obesity can affect your liver.

Cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, liver cancer, autoimmune conditions, genetic conditions, and liver failure are some common liver diseases that require liver care. If not treated in time, they can damage your liver leading to scarring (cirrhosis), and later liver failure. Timely treatment is essential for the early identification and treatment of liver diseases.

What are the Symptoms of Liver Disease that require Liver Care?

Symptoms of liver disease differ according to the cause. Common symptoms of liver disease are as follows.

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Itchy skin
  • Easy bruising
  • Swelling in abdomen, ankle, or legs
  • Jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes)
  • Dark urine and bloody or black stools

What are the Causes of Liver Disease that require Liver Care?

Liver diseases have multiple causes, as mentioned below.

  • Infection - Viruses and Parasites can cause infection, inflammation, and damage to the liver. The commonest type of liver infection-causing Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C - is the Hepatitis virus.
  • Immune System Abnormalities - When your body itself attacks your liver cells and causes damage to it, it is called an autoimmune system abnormality. This is seen in Autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
  • Genetics - In Wilson's disease, Hemochromatosis, and Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, defective genes inherited from your parents can cause liver damage.
  • Cancers - Sometimes, abnormal growths or cancers can cause liver damage as seen in Live cancer, Liver adenoma, and Bile duct cancer.
  • Other causes - Other factors like chronic use of alcohol, ingestion of certain over-the-counter herbal compounds or medications, or fat accumulation in the liver can cause liver damage.

When Should you Consult a Doctor?

In case you have any of the signs or symptoms mentioned above or have severe abdominal pain which causes you discomfort, immediately make an appointment with your doctor. If you have any doubts do not hesitate to reach out to the best gastroenterologist or gastroenterology hospital near you, or

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the Remedies/Treatment for Liver Diseases?

Liver diseases are mostly chronic. Lifestyle changes can help you in controlling symptoms. These changes may include increasing your fluid intake, limiting alcohol, following a healthy, liver-friendly diet that includes more fiber and less salt, sugar, and fat, thus maintaining a healthy weight.

Diet modifications can help with certain liver conditions. Medical treatment will include antiviral drugs for the treatment of hepatitis, antibiotics, steroids to reduce inflammation of your liver, blood pressure medications, and medications to reduce your symptoms. These may include medications to relieve itchy skin, and improving the overall health of your liver with vitamins and supplements.

In case medications and lifestyle modifications are unsuccessful in providing you relief, surgical intervention may become necessary. Removal of a part or all of your liver may be recommended. The last option is a liver transplant. If you have any doubts do not hesitate to consult a gastroenterology specialist near you or the best gastroenterology hospital in Delhi, or

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.


Liver care is essential in treating and managing liver diseases. Early detection and timely treatment are essential. Failure to initiate treatment can result in permanent liver damage. Do not hesitate to approach a liver specialist for consultation if you feel that you are at risk of liver diseases. They will further guide you with the best treatment options available to you, depending on your symptoms and condition.

Reference Links




Is Liver Damage Reversible?

As long as no scarring (cirrhosis) occurs, liver cells can regenerate. If there are no complications, your liver cells can regenerate within 30 days.

Can Obesity Affect My Liver?

Yes. Obesity can lead to fatty liver disease which can contribute to scarring (cirrhosis), and can ultimately lead to liver failure.

What Changes Can I Make in my Diet if I Have Liver Disease?

You can modify your diet and lifestyle by limiting alcohol, avoiding sugary foods and added sugar, reducing your salt intake, limiting fried foods, avoiding red meat, and white bread and rice to keep your liver healthy.


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