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ACL Reconstruction

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Best ACL Reconstruction Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi

Overview of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

Your shinbone, thighbone, and knee cap are the three bones that together form your knee joint. There are four ligaments (small bands of fibrous connective tissues) that reinforce this joint, out of which the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) has the most crucial role to play.

It also makes this ligament susceptible to injuries while playing sports, fitness training, rotating, or indulging in any activity that puts extreme pressure on your knee.

So, if you think you have an ACL injury, consult a knee specialist near you.

What is ACL Reconstruction?

If your ACL has suffered a mild tear or strain, it may heal with medicines and physical therapy.

But, it is challenging to treat torn ACLs by stitching the ligament together. ACL reconstructive surgery is an effective surgical method that involves the use of a connective tissue graft to replace or restore the damaged ACL.

What are the Different Types of Grafts Used in ACL Surgery?

When the doctor places a tendon inside your knee, it is called a graft. There are three kinds of grafts in ACL reconstruction surgery:

  • Autograft: In this, doctors use a tendon from some other part of your body like your other hamstring, another knee, or thigh).
  • Allograft: In this, doctors use tissue from a deceased donor.
  • Synthetic graft: Grafts made of artificial components like Teflon and carbon fiber replace the tendon.

What Happens in ACL reconstruction?

During ACL reconstruction, an orthopedic surgeon:

  • Uses either general or regional anesthesia so that you do not feel any pain.
  • Makes small incisions surrounding the knee and pumps sterile solution to wash the blood from that area and get a clear view.
  • Inserts arthroscope, which has a camera at the end. It transmits images on a monitor.
  • Then passes surgical drills via the incisions, drills 2-3 holes (tunnels) into your thighbone and shinbone.
  • Places the graft accurately and secures it with screws. The graft serves as a scaffolding on which the new ligament tissue develops.
  • Closes the incisions to complete the surgery.

Who Qualifies for ACL reconstruction?

Doctors suggest an ACL reconstruction surgery if you:

  • Have injury in more than one ligament.
  • Are into sports that involve pivoting, jumping, or cutting. This surgery can help you continue with your sport.
  • Have a torn meniscus that needs repair.
  • Have an injury due to which causes your knee to buckle while you are performing your routine activities.
  • Belong to the younger age group. However, doctors also take into consideration factors like the amount of instability or your activity level.

Why is an ACL Reconstruction Conducted?

An ACL reconstruction surgery is recommended if your ligament tears due to:

  • An incorrect landing from a jump.
  • A direct and hard-hitting blow to the knee.
  • Stopping suddenly or abruptly.
  • A sudden change of direction or slowing down.
  • Planting your foot and turning.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment

What are the Benefits of ACL reconstruction?

An ACL reconstruction surgery has a bunch of benefits like:

  • It helps to regain your knee strength.
  • Substantial restoration of your knee's functionality.
  • Rango of motion improves.
  • An extremely successful choice for sportspersons.
  • A long-term solution to the pain.
  • Safe

Are There Any Risks Involved in ACL reconstruction?

An orthopedic surgeon near you can explain to you the risks, which are a reaction to anesthesia, bleeding, and infection in the wound or blood clots.

Specifically, an ACL surgery can cause:

  • Blood clots in your leg.
  • Limited range of mobility.
  • Stiffness in the knee joint.
  • Failure of the graft after you resume physical activity.
  • Slow healing of the graft.


ACL reconstruction surgery can treat your condition and bring significant improvement in your symptoms. Post-surgery, your doctor prescribes a detailed rehabilitation plan, which combines progressive physical therapy, supervision, and ample rest. Follow the plan dedicatedly to achieve the best results, and do not rush to get back on your feet.

Visit the ortho hospital near you to know more about ACL reconstruction surgery.

How long is the recovery?

After an ACL surgery, the recovery takes time because the new ligament can take months to grow. Your doctor advises you to wear a knee brace and use crutches for many weeks to avoid putting unwanted pressure on your knee.

What are the complications?

You must call the doctor if you notice:

  • Pain and swelling in your calf, ankle, or foot.
  • Any unexpected pus, drainage, redness, numbness, or tingling sensation in your knee
  • Difficulty in passing urinate or bowel movement.
  • Bleeding from the incision.
  • Increasing pain that does not improve with pain medication.
  • Unresponsiveness or passing out.

What preparatory steps do I need to take before the surgery?

  • Before an ACL surgery, you will most likely go through physical therapy for a few weeks to reduce the stiffness in your knee joint. It is vital because if you go ahead with the surgery with a stiff knee, you may not regain your mobility afterward.
  • Inform your doctor if you take any health supplements, blood-thinning medicines.
  • Lose weight if you are obese.
  • When can I resume my regular work and sports activities?

    • Office duties – after 1-2 weeks
    • Driving – after 6 weeks
    • Competitive sports – after 11-12 months
    • Occupation involving ladders or construction work – after 4-5 months


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