Best Arthritis Care Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi
Arthritis basically refers to inflammation of joints. The common symptoms may include swelling, reddening, pain, stiffening and chronic tissue damage. It is essential to meet with a healthcare provider at the earliest once signs and symptoms appear.
To know more, contact an orthopedic doctor near you or visit an orthopedic hospital in New Delhi.
What are symptoms of arthritis?
- Pain
- Swelling
- Stiffening
- Tenderness
- Reddening
- Warm
- Deformity
- Malfunctioning
How is this disease usually diagnosed?
Arthritis is a medical condition that can easily be diagnosed by a complete physical exam in conjunction with some diagnostic tests that are usually prescribed by your doctor. These include:
- Complete physical examination
- Complete history taking
- X-ray
- Testing of joint fluid
- Anti-CCP test (specifically for rheumatoid arthritis)
How is arthritis usually treated?
The treatment of arthritis includes steps to increase joint mobility like physical therapy and avoid worsening of the disease. There are multiple options to manage pain and keep inflammation under control.
Apart from this, your doctor may also recommend rest, physical therapy or occupational therapy or sports rehabilitation, hot compress, cold compress, joint protection covers, exercises, medicines and in some extreme cases, surgery may also be recommended.
The treatment plan for osteoarthritis includes steps to remove the joint stiffness and pain and to avoid the disease from progressing further. The doctor may also suggest occupational therapy. There are multiple medicines that when used in conjunction with occupational therapy halt the progression of the disease.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi. Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are some of the common medicines prescribed?
Your healthcare provider will usually prescribe drugs depending on the stage of arthritis and seriousness of the condition and other therapies being used in the treatment of this condition. The commonly prescribed medications are NSAIDs, which are non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen.
Inform your doctor about any allergies you have so that the medicinal therapy can be modified accordingly.
What is the occupational therapy used in the treatment of arthritis?
Joint protection and mobility improvement are the two principal goals of occupational therapy or sports rehabilitation programs. These programs include the following list of activities:
- Removal of joint-straining positions
- Use of strong muscles and joints
- Avoid using weaker muscles and joints
- Using assistive devices for daily activities
What are some of the self-management exercises one can follow in this condition?
Self-management is a very critical part of taking care of arthritis. It will help in keeping the disease under control and limiting the progression of the disease. Some steps that one can follow:
- Becoming organized with self-help steps for multiple, daily activities
- Managing pain with physical therapy
- Tacking fatigue with occupational therapy
- Improving sleep hygiene
- Getting to move and exercise more often
- Balancing physical activity with an equal amount of rest
- Consuming a balanced diet with properly maintained nutrition segregation.
Arthritis is a very common joint condition that causes inflammation which results in soreness, reddening, pain, stiffness, and hence, limited joint mobility. If the emotional burden of the disease is too much to handle, talk to your therapist or join a support group.
Arthritis medications are usually long-term medications that contribute to decreasing the inflammation of joints and maintaining it that way.
Some diagnostic tests that are used to diagnose and confirm arthritis are:
- CT scans
- Ultrasounds
Some devices that are used along with occupational therapy may be splints and braces for providing extra support to the affected joint.
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