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Screening and Physical Exam

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Screening and Physical Exam Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi

Screening and Physical Exam

A routine physical exam ensures that you stay healthy by detecting various ailments. In addition, your doctor may examine critical elements such as heart rate, weight and blood pressure during a physical examination.

To know more, contact a general medicine doctor near you or visit a general medicine hospital in New Delhi.

What do we need to know about screening and a physical exam?

During a physical exam, a doctor will ask you several questions about your health history, including allergies, prior operations or symptoms. He/she may also ask if you're exercising, smoking or drinking alcohol.

Generally, your doctor will begin your examination by looking for abnormal signs or growths on your body. During this section of the test, you can sit or stand.

He/she could next have you lying down and feel your belly. Your doctor examines the consistency, position, size, sensitivity and texture of your various organs.

Your physician listens to various parts of your body using a stethoscope that doctors often wear around their necks. It may include listening to your lungs and your intestines when you breathe deeply.

Your physician will also listen to your heart using a stethoscope to ensure there is no abnormal sound. Your doctor may check the function of your heart and valves and listen to your heartbeat during your examination.

Your doctor will also utilize a "percussion" method, which includes tapping the body. This method enables your physician to find fluid in areas where it should not be and find the organs' borders, consistency and size.

Your doctor also checks your height, weight and pulse (too quick or too slow).

Your physical exam is your private opportunity to ask questions about anything relevant to your health. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand any test your doctor is conducting.

Why are screening and physical exam conducted?

A physical exam allows your physician to assess your general health status. The checkup will also let you discuss with him/her any persistent pain or other health issues.
A physical checkup is suggested for adults under 50 at least once a year. These examinations: Check for suspected illnesses to treat them early.

  • Identify problems that might become future medical concerns
  • Update the vaccinations required
  • Forge a relationship with your primary care doctor 

These tests are also an excellent approach to monitoring cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. These levels might be high without any indications or symptoms. Regular screening enables a doctor to address these issues before they become serious.

Additionally, your physician may carry out a physical examination before performing surgery or starting treatment for a medical condition.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the benefits?

  • Early disease diagnosis may lead to more efficient treatment and management, reduce the risk of complications and enhance the probability of a positive health outcome.
  • Health screening identifies patients who are at risk of developing or who already have an illness or condition that was previously unknown.
  • Health screening may help in the prevention and treatment of individuals with stroke, cardiovascular or diabetic family history.
  • For many chronic diseases, age is a significant risk factor. However, early identification and treatment can provide the body with the best possible defense against these illnesses.

Health screenings are suggested every two years for people under 30 years of age. A yearly health examination is, nevertheless, strongly advised for those aged 30 years or older. More age-related screening tests are done for people above the age of 50.

What are the risks?

A physical examination poses no risk. Physical examination complications are uncommon as well. At times, vital information or data may be ignored.

More frequently, the findings of related laboratory tests lead physicians to re-examine an individual or previously examined areas of the body.

What does a full physical examination entail?

A full physical examination, from head to toe, often takes approximately 30 minutes. It notes vital signs such as temperature, blood pressure and heart rate and assesses your body through observation, palpitation, percussion and auscultation.

What is covered in the medical examination?

After scheduling an appointment at a clinic of your choice, you will be required to complete a questionnaire about your work and medical history. A doctor will conduct a physical checkup and assess the answers. Additionally, each participant will have a chest X-ray, an audiogram, a breathing test as well as blood and urine testing.

What happens during a woman's physical examination?

It involves a routine exam of vital signs including breathing rate, heart rate, blood pressure and temperature. Additionally, your doctor may examine your abdomen, extremities and skin for signs of illness.

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