Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery in Karol Bagh, Delhi
You might have noticed inflammation, pain, swelling, stiffness or damage to the shoulder joint due to any injury or accident. To treat these conditions, you must visit an orthopedic specialist near you. Shoulder arthroscopy not only helps in diagnosis, but also treats the injuries inside the shoulder joint. It is less painful and helps in quicker recovery.
What is shoulder arthroscopy?
The shoulder joint is a complex ball-and-socket joint made up of three bones named humerus, scapula and collarbone. Shoulder arthroscopy efficiently cures injuries and inflammation in this joint. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed using an arthroscope. An arthroscope is a surgical instrument with a camera to form images and display them on a screen. You must consult an orthopedic surgeon in Delhi to get details about the procedure and the benefits.
Who qualifies for shoulder arthroscopy?
There are various conditions for which you need shoulder arthroscopy:
- Immense pain in the shoulders
- Pain while lying down
- Weakness and restricted motion
- Stiffness of joints
- Building up of fluid
- Fragmentation of bone or cartilage
Why is shoulder arthroscopy conducted?
There are many reasons why you may need shoulder arthroscopy, such as:
- Torn cartilage ring or labrum
- Tearing or inflammation around rotator cuff
- Instability of shoulders
- Inflammation in the lining of the joints
- Shoulder dislocation
- Loose tissue
- Arthritis of collarbone
- Bone spur or impingement syndrome
When do you need to see a doctor?
If you are constantly suffering from pain in the shoulder joint due to any injury or other conditions, you must consult an orthopedic specialist near you.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
How do you prepare for shoulder arthroscopy?
Before shoulder arthroscopy, avoid blood-thinning medicines, alcohol and smoking. You must not eat anything after midnight before the surgery. You must wear loose and comfortable clothing while visiting the hospital. Before shoulder arthroscopy, your orthopedic surgeon will check your vitals with various tests.
How is shoulder arthroscopy conducted?
Local or general anesthesia will be given. The orthopedic surgeon will make a few small incisions on your shoulder joint (called portals). Through these portals, arthroscopic cameras and instruments can enter the shoulder joint. Through the arthroscope, sterile fluid flows in the joints for a clearer view.
With the help of surgical tools and instruments, the surgeon cuts, grasps, grinds and provides suction to repair the joint. These also help in the removal of all the damaged cartilages associated with the shoulder joint.
While treating impingement syndrome, damaged tissues are cleaned out and bony growth is removed by shaving the underside of the acromion bone. After the surgery, the portals can be closed with the help of stitches and sutures.
You need to wear a sling and take some medicines after the surgery to reduce pain and swelling. Physiotherapy can help you regain motion and strength of your shoulders. You must avoid physical activities for a while after the surgery.
What are the risks?
- Allergic reactions to anesthesia
- Bleeding or blood clotting
- Infection
- Stiffness in shoulders
- Problem in healing
- Chondrolysis – damage to the cartilage of the shoulders
Shoulder arthroscopy fixes cartilage tear in the shoulders, thus making it more stable. It helps examine shoulder injuries and inflammation and offers treatment. Orthopedic specialists in Delhi prefer shoulder arthroscopy since it ensures faster recovery, fewer complications and less scarring than traditional surgeries.
It takes around six weeks or more to recover from shoulder arthroscopy. You must limit the weight on your shoulders and back to quicken the recovery process.
Various symptoms of bone spurs include pain, stiffness, weakness, numbness, cramps and tingling sensation in your arms and shoulders.
After shoulder arthroscopy, you must sleep in a reclined position. It reduces the tension in the shoulder joint. Few pillows help strengthen your lower back and upper back.
After shoulder arthroscopy, you must increase your protein, fat and carbohydrate intake to quicken the healing process and rebuild your body.
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