Myomectom Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi
Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. A myomectomy is suggested to those women who have symptoms of fibroids and plan to have children in future.
During a myomectomy procedure, a surgeon removes fibroids and reconstructs the uterus. Unlike hysterectomy, in myomectomy, the uterus remains intact so that you can plan for pregnancy in the future.
A woman who undergoes myomectomy will have normal menstrual bleeding and there will be a reduction in pelvic pressure.
To know more, contact a gynecology doctor near you or visit a gynecology hospital in New Delhi.
What is myomectomy? Why is it conducted?
A myomectomy procedure removes uterine fibroids which are also called as leiomyomas. These fibroids can develop at any age, but usually they are caused at the time of childbirth. Additionally, these fibroids are non-cancerous and are mostly seen in the uterus.
A doctor may suggest myomectomy for growing fibroids if they are troublesome and interfere in regular activities. Myomectomy surgery is needed if you plan to get pregnant in the future, if the fibroids interfere with your fertility and if you want to keep your uterus.
After a myomectomy procedure, patients get relief from pain, frequent urination, heavy bleeding during periods and uterine pressure.
Who qualifies for myomectomy?
A healthcare professional would suggest myomectomy if he/she observes any of the following symptoms:
- Pelvic pain
- Frequent urination
- Irregular bleeding
- Heavy periods
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are the different types of myomectomy?
There are three different surgical myomectomy, depending on the size, location and number of fibroids.
- Abdominal myomectomy - It is also known as open myomectomy. This procedure involves incision through the skin in the lower abdomen and removing fibroids from the wall of the uterus. A surgeon would usually make a low and horizontal incision. A vertical incision is for a larger uterus.
- Laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy - These are minimally invasive procedures during which a surgeon makes several small abdominal incisions and removes fibroids. In a laparoscopic procedure, the surgeon would make an incision near the belly button and then insert a laparoscope. The surgery would be performed by inserting instruments through other small incisions in the abdominal wall.
- Hysteroscopic myomectomy - A hysteroscopic myomectomy is suggested for the treatment of smaller fibroids that bulge into the uterus. The surgeon operates through the vagina and the cervix into the uterus.
What are the benefits of myomectomy?
- Symptom Relief:
- Relieves pain
- Relieves discomfort
- Reduces heavy bleeding
- Reduces bloating
- Fertility improvement
What are the risks?
Myomectomy is a very safe procedure, but there are a few risks:
- Excessive blood loss
- Scarring of the tissue
- Childbearing complications
- Rare chance of hysterectomy
- Infections
- Breathing difficulty
- Dizziness
- Feeling cold
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Uneasiness
Yes, a woman can certainly plan her pregnancy within one year after the surgery. Your healthcare professional would suggest waiting for around 3 months after the surgery in order to give proper time for the wound to heal.
The recovery time for each type of myomectomy is different:
- Abdominal myomectomy - The recovery duration is around 4 to 6 weeks
- Laparoscopic myomectomy - The recovery duration is around 2 to 3 weeks
- Hysterectomy myomectomy - The recovery duration is less than a week
Some of the diagnostic tests prescribed by healthcare professionals are as follows:
- Blood tests
- Electrocardiogram
- MRI scan
- Pelvic ultrasound
Women do have recurring fibroids and some of the non-surgical treatments available for them are:
- Uterine artery embolization (UAE)
- Radiofrequency volumetric thermal ablation (RVTA)
- MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS)
To minimize the risk associated with the myomectomy procedure, a doctor may recommend the following:
- Iron supplements and vitamins
- Hormonal treatment
- Therapy to shrink fibroids
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