Retinal Detachment Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi
Retinal Detachment
The retina is the innermost lining of tissue that is present in the eye containing millions of light-sensitive cells. The retina is one of the most important parts present in the eye as it translates two-dimensional images of the visual world into electrical neural impulses which help the brain to create visual perception.
To know more, contact an ophthalmology doctor near you or visit an ophthalmology hospital in New Delhi.
What is retinal detachment?
Retinal detachment is a medical condition wherein the retina gets separated from its actual position. Retinal cells get detached because of retinal detachment. The cells are responsible for providing oxygen to the eyes. During the early stage, only some part of the retina gets detached, but if the retinal detachment is not treated at an early stage, risks and complications increase and these can lead to permanent loss of vision.
What are the symptoms?
Some of the symptoms are:
- Sudden appearance of floaters, flecks, threads and dark spots across your vision
- Reduced side vision
- Curtain-like shadow or darkness over the visual field
- Flashes of light in one or both eyes
- Blurred vision
- Heaviness in eye
- inability to see in dim light
- Straight lines appearing to be curved
What are the types and causes of retinal detachment?
The retina could also be torn before it detaches. In case the retina is torn, then the fluid present inside the eye can leak and separate the retina from underlying tissues.
There are mainly three types of retinal detachment:
- Rhegmatogenous - This is the most common cause of retinal detachment. Having a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment means having a tear or hole in the retina. Some causes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment are:
- Ageing
- Eye injury
- Eye surgery
- Near-sightedness
- Tractional - Having tractional retinal detachment means the scar tissue present on the retina surface contracts which eventually causes the retina to pull away. People with diabetes are more susceptible to this type as blood vessels present in the eye get damaged.
- Exudative - Exudative retinal detachment occurs when fluid builds up behind the retina. This fluid pushes the retina behind causing it to detach. Some causes of exudative retinal detachment are:
- Leaking of blood vessel
- Swelling at the back of the eye
- Injury in eye
- Age-related macular degeneration
- Tumor in eye
When do you need to see a doctor?
Seek immediate medical attention if you are facing any of the above-mentioned symptoms. Retinal detachment is a medical emergency in which losing your vision completely is a possibility. Over-the-counter medication may give you relief for a while but the conditions may get worse if not treated properly. Consult your doctor as soon as possible.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What is the treatment for retinal detachment?
Laser treatment or surgery is performed to treat retinal detachment. Photocoagulation or cryotherapy is the laser treatment done to treat retinal holes or tears.
An ophthalmologist near you performs three types of surgery for retinal detachment:
- Vitrectomy - Today it is the most common surgery performed for a retinal detachment. It involves the removal of the vitreous gel of the eye.
- Scleral buckling - It involves sewing a piece of plastic into the wall of the eye.
- Pneumatic retinopexy - In this type of surgery, an ophthalmologist will inject a gas bubble into the eye. The patient will be told to hold the head position in a certain way so that the bubble floats over the detached area and pushes it against the back of your eye.
With the help of technology now, retinal detachment can be successfully treated. After the surgery, it may take 3 to 6 weeks for recovery. Identification of symptoms and knowledge of risk factors for retinal detachment may help in prompt referrals and vision retention.
- Fog in the lenses of the eye
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Cataract formation
- Vision loss
People aged 50 or more are more susceptible to retinal detachment. Some other factors are:
- Previous eye injury or surgery
- Hereditary
- Myopia
- Vision will be distorted for about a week after surgery
- Swelling of eyes is common after surgery
- Avoid rubbing and touching your eye
- Adhere to the prescription
- Avoid swimming
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