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PCOD Treatment & Diagnostics in Karol Bagh, Delhi


PCOD or Polycystic Ovary Disorder is a female reproductive condition that hinders healthy functioning of the ovaries. Polycystic ovary disorder includes menstrual problems, ovarian cysts and childbirth complications. If you experience back pain around the ovarian region, visit a gynecology hospital near you.

Visit a gynecology surgeon near you for an early diagnosis of your ovarian complication.

What are the different PCOD conditions?

Polycystic ovary disorder includes a wide range of reproductive complications:

  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
  • Insulin resistant PCOD
  • Hormonal pill-induced PCOD
  • Inflammatory PCOD
  • Silent PCOD

What are the symptoms of PCOD?

  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Excessive bleeding during menstruation
  • Hirsutism causing excessive growth of body hair
  • Hair loss from the scalp
  • Body acne
  • Lower back pain around the ovaries
  • Pregnancy problem
  • Weight gain

For women experiencing silent PCOD, menstruation cycles get delayed for months. Consult a gynecology doctor near you to learn more about your condition.

What are the causes of PCOD?

PCOD, for some women, occurs because of lifestyle conditions and health problems. PCOD patients cannot ovulate eggs (ovum) because of underlying reasons. The unreleased ovum transforms into a cyst and grows as a nodule on the surface of the ovary. Consult a cyst specialist near you.

Some of the causes include:

  • Family history accounts for over 50% of PCOD cases
  • Sedentary lifestyle leading to weight gain
  • Work-related stress
  • Pre-diabetes conditions or (type 1 diabetes) leading to insulin resistance
  • Thyroid problems
  • Imbalance of estrogen and progesterone
  • Smoking/alcohol habits
  • Consumption of junk food

When do you need to see a doctor?

You might be suffering from PCOD if you are experiencing irregular menstrual cycles or excessive bleeding during the same. Consult a gynecology doctor near you to get an early diagnosis.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the complications?

If you are experiencing prolonged menstrual troubles, you can be prone to having PCOD. Besides, having comorbidities like diabetes, thyroid and pelvic infections can only increase the risk.

  • Young girls, working women and women between 18 and 35 years are most vulnerable to developing PCOD
  • If left untreated, it may destroy the affected ovary, even causing death
  • Can lead to infertility
  • Poses ovarian and breast cancer risk

How can you prevent PCOD?

PCOD is a curable condition. The most crucial part of treating PCOD is early diagnosis. It helps arrest the cyst growth in the ovaries and prevents further damage of the same. Some prevention measures include:

  • Lifestyle correction
  • Treating your hormonal imbalance
  • Abstaining from smoking/alcohol
  • Treating comorbidities like thyroid, diabetes and pelvic problems
  • Losing excess weight
  • Diabetic diet
  • Early diagnosis under a gynecology doctor near you 

What are the treatment options for PCOD?

PCOD treatment aims to diffuse the complications that cause cyst formation on the ovaries. Treatment includes diagnosis under a gynecology doctor near you. It requires USG scans to measure ovarian complications. Treatment methods include:

  • Controlled medication (birth-control pill formulations) to treat patients with limited cyst formation

For patients showing large cyst formation or not responding to medication therapy:

  • Laparoscopy to destroy cysts formed on the ovaries
  • Oophorectomy to remove ovary/ovaries if the infection affects overall well-being


PCOD is more than just another condition for women. Women experience a profound psychological impact owing to fertility factors. Thanks to IVF and IUI techniques, childbirth is no more affected due to PCOD.

To learn more about the same, consult a gynecology surgeon near you.

Do STIs cause PCOD?

PCOD occurs because of physiological issues. It has nothing to do with any pathogens.

What if I have allergies to birth-control pills?

Consult a gynecology doctor near you under such circumstances. Natural ingredients and lifestyle management are effective alternatives to birth-control pills.

How can you distinguish between menstrual pain and PCOD?

Menstrual pain occurs only during the days of shedding. PCOD pain is persistent and spreads across the lower abdominal region, unlike menstrual cramps.

Can PCOD affect the uterus?

PCOD affects the ovaries alone. Under the worst-case scenario, it may worsen and turn into ovarian cancer, which may spread out.

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