apollo spectra

Cystoscopy Treatment 

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Cystoscopy Treatment in MRC Nagar, Chennai

Do you have any problems related to the bladder, like a frequent urge to urinate or presence of blood in urine? Do you often experience pain while urinating? If yes, visit a cystoscopy treatment hospital near you and get yourself treated by a cystoscopy specialist near you.

What is cystoscopy?

Cystoscopy is a procedure during which doctors pass a thin tube with a camera and light at one end through the urethra into the bladder. It helps in examining the thin lining of the bladder and its condition. The camera attached sends a magnified image that is projected on a screen for the doctor to view and diagnose the condition. You can easily avail of this service in a cystoscopy hospital in Chennai. This test helps cystoscopy doctors near you to diagnose and treat any urinary tract problem.

How is cystoscopy done?

Cystoscopy is performed under general anesthesia to keep pain and discomfort at bay. The procedure takes around 5-10 minutes, but in some cases, it may take a little longer.

Cystoscopy is done by sliding a lubricated cystoscope via the urethra into the bladder and then injecting a sterile saltwater/saline solution through this device into the bladder. This is done so that the internal muscles of the bladder get stretched and the cystoscope captures a clear image of the bladder lining. Cystoscopy doctors in Chennai insert small instruments through the cystoscope to remove samples of the tissues that are suspected to be cancerous or tumors.

How do you prepare for cystoscopy?

Before going for the procedure, you will receive a list of dos and don'ts. Since it is all about the bladder and ureter, you might be asked to give a urine sample to test for any infection. If everything looks good, you can undergo the procedure. Before starting the process, you must empty your bladder and wear a surgical gown.

What are the possible results of cystoscopy?

Since cystoscopy is done to spot any abnormality in the ureter or the bladder lining, the doctor might end up finding a diseased part that can be tested further by taking out a piece with the help of cystoscopy. If the linings are completely smooth in texture and there is no abnormal growth, then you need not worry. For more detailed information, you must visit a cystoscopy specialist in MRC Nagar.

When do you need to see a doctor?

If you find any abnormality near your abdominal region or have difficulty passing urine, consult a doctor.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the risks?

  • Bleeding: Using a tube to enter the ureter might rub against the surrounding lining and lead to bleeding after the procedure.
  • Urinary tract infection: If the instruments are not well maintained and sterilized before the start of the procedure, then it can lead to an infection.
  • Discomfort: The entire procedure is not done under general anesthesia, hence it might cause pain and discomfort in the abdominal region.


If you are suffering from any of the diseases affecting your urinary bladder or you have difficulty passing urine, then you must consult a doctor. Do not ignore any signs or symptoms that might lead to fatal complications.

How can you deal with complications post cystoscopy?

Usually post-cystoscopy complications like painful urination and presence of blood in urine subside within 48 hours. However, if these problems continue, contact your doctor.

How much does a cystoscopy procedure cost?

A cystoscopy may cost you around Rs 10000 to Rs 56000.

Is cystoscopy a painful procedure?

Cystoscopy is not a painful procedure as it is performed under anesthesia. You may feel a little discomfort while urinating though.


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