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Cervical Spondylosis

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Cervical Spondylosis Treatment in MRC Nagar, Chennai

Cervical spondylosis is also called osteoarthritis of the neck. It is an age-related degeneration of discs, cartilage, bones, and ligaments in your neck.

The discs in our spine lose their volume, cartilage deteriorates, ligaments may get thick, and bone spurs may develop where there can be friction between the bones. These are the characteristics of cervical spondylosis.

What are the Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis?

The symptoms of cervical spondylosis can be mild to severe. Sometimes symptoms may appear suddenly, or they might appear gradually.

For most people, pain and stiffness in the neck are the primary symptoms. A few common signs are:

  • Pain in the arms, fingers, and near the shoulder blade
  • Headaches, generally around the back of your head
  • Tingling sensation or numbness that primarily affects the arms, shoulders, and sometimes your legs too.

You may feel that the pain is increasing when you are:

  • Sitting
  • Standing 
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Tilting your neck backward

What Causes Cervical Spondylosis?

The possible causes of cervical spondylosis are:

  • Dehydrated spinal discs: The cushion-like structures called discs present between your spinal vertebrae are instrumental in absorbing the shocks from sudden twisting, lifting, etc. There is a gel-like component in these discs, which can dry out as time passes. As a result, there is friction between the vertebras resulting in pain.
  • Bone spurs: Bone spurs or osteophytes usually occur near the joints. They also grow on your spinal bones. It is when your body attempts to make your spine sturdier. But this overgrowth can sometimes put pressure on your nerve and spinal cord, producing pain.
  • Injuries: If you suffer some trauma or an injury to your neck, it can accelerate the wear and tear process. 
  • Herniated discs: Over time, your spinal discs may suffer cracks leading to leakage of the gel-like material present between them, putting pressure on your spinal cord and nerves. It can cause numbness in your arm and pain that radiates down your arm.t
  • Ligament stiffness: There is a tough cord that connects your spinal bones. With age, it can get stiffer, and this can restrict your neck movement leading to stiffness.
  • Overuse: Some hobbies or professions require repetitive actions or heavy lifting, like construction work or fitness training. It can put additional strain on your spine resulting in wear and tear.

When Should You See a Doctor?

If the pain and discomfort are hindering your daily activities or is restricting your range of motion, you must seek medical help. Additionally, the onset of the following symptoms also indicates a medical emergency:

  • Numbness in your legs, arms, and shoulder
  • Loss of bowel and bladder control
  • Difficulty while walking
  • Lack of coordination
  • Loss of balance 

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment

What are the Possible Treatment Choices?

The goal of treatment for cervical spondylosis is to reduce the risk of permanent damage, provide respite from pain so that you can lead a comfortable life.

  • Non-surgical treatment methods:
    • Medications: If over-the-counter medicines do not provide relief, then your doctor prescribes:
      • Muscle relaxants: To treat muscle spasms.
      • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): For treating inflammation.
      • Steroid injections: For reducing pain and tissue inflammation.
      • Anti-epileptic drugs: For relief from pain that results from nerve damage.
    • Physiotherapy: Your doctor may recommend consulting a physiotherapist. You can get guidance about the different exercises to strengthen your neck and shoulder muscles. Additionally, neck traction may also help. It involves using weights to increase the gap between the cervical joints to take off the pressure from the nerve roots and cervical discs.
    • A brace or soft collar: A therapeutic collar or brace is also an option to help repair strained muscles. Your doctor may recommend you to wear it for a short time.
  • Surgical treatment methods: If the above-mentioned conventional methods fail to control the symptoms, then your doctor may recommend surgery.
    The following goals are achievable through surgery:
    • Removing bone spurs or a herniated disc.
    • Fusing a part of your neck using bone graft and other hardware.
    • Removing a segment of a vertebra.

Although the need for surgery is rare, doctors recommend surgery if there is severe neurological dysfunction and continuous deterioration.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment


Cervical spondylosis is a common spinal condition that causes wear and tears in your spine and is a normal part of the aging process. Although it may not be possible to reverse cervical spondylosis, there are effective treatment options to help deal with the pain and discomfort. Consult a specialist to know more about these methods of treatment to enjoy a pain-free life.

What are the ways to diagnose cervical spondylosis?

First, your doctor performs a thorough physical evaluation that includes checking:

  • Your neck flexibility
  • How you walk
  • Muscle strength
  • Your reflexes
  • Identify the trigger points

After this, you may have to undergo tests and scans like X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scan, or electromyogram, a type of nerve function test.

Which factors can increase the risk of cervical spondylosis?

Factors that can make you vulnerable are:

  • Your age
  • Occupation, which involves putting too much strain on your neck region.
  • Have a history of cervical spondylosis in your family.
  • Neck injuries
  • Smoking

Are there any risks associated with spondylosis surgery?

Talk to your doctor about the potential complications, which can be:

  • Injury to the spinal cord and nerves
  • Urinary issues
  • Infection at the bone graft site
  • Pain and swelling in the veins of your leg
  • Breakage of instrumentation
  • Failure to heal


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