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Piles Surgery

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Piles Treatment & Surgery in MRC Nagar, Chennai

What is Piles?

Piles or hemorrhoids are a common clinical condition in which the veins present in the rectum and anal region gets swollen. This triggers irritation and occasional bleeding in the individual. It is caused due to extreme pressure on the rectum during forced bowel movements, pregnancy, or prolonged obesity.

Depending on the severity of inflammation, you might need surgical removal of these veins through piles surgery.

What is Piles Surgery?

Hemorrhoids are of two types – internal and external, based on the location. In some individuals, these inflamed veins get displaced and fall out of their place of origin. This condition is known as a prolapsed hemorrhoid. They are extremely uncomfortable and, in some individuals, require surgical intervention.

Piles surgery is the process of removing hemorrhoids, either by cutting them directly or preventing the blood supply to these veins so they eventually dry and fall off. Your surgeon will use local anesthesia or spinal block to perform the procedure.

When Should You Go for Piles Surgery?

Hemorrhoids, in most cases, is a temporary condition and can be reverted or repressed with the use of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, weight reduction, fibrous diet and exercise, and post-delivery.

They go unnoticed for an exceedingly long time, and it is not until these blisters start bleeding that they become noticeable. Depending on the underlying cause, the bleeding can continue for a longer period and cause excessive blood loss, which can be detrimental.

If you have piles, some conditions point towards immediate medical attention, such as -

  • Excessive bleeding during bowel movements
  • Formation of lumps around the anus
  • Difficulty in sitting
  • Pain radiating towards the lower back

In case you notice any of these symptoms, you must consult a gastroenterologist near you.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

Why is Piles Surgery Conducted?

Piles surgery is conducted for individuals who have developed an advanced stage of hemorrhoids. In these individuals, the inflamed veins protrude outside the anal opening and cause bleeding during bowel movements. In addition, it also causes severe pain while performing simple chores like sitting and walking. Rarely, the blisters form a knot among themselves, causing extreme pain.

Furthermore, as the anal region is perpetually inflamed, it becomes impossible to clean it, which can further lead to infection and cause other health-related concerns.

Different Types of Piles Surgery

There are five types of surgery most performed to treat piles. Depending on the location, severity, and other health concerns, your doctor will suggest the most effective surgery to control and subside the inflammation.

  • Rubber band ligation - Your surgeon will tie the inflamed veins together to cease the blood supply to them. Eventually, these veins will dry up and fall off on their own.
  • Coagulation - The surgery is performed using infrared light to coagulate the blood in the veins and eventually shrink them.
  • Sclerotherapy - In the procedure, the surgeon will inject a chemical into the veins, which will cause the affected veins to shrink and degenerate eventually.
  • Haemorrhoidectomy - Your gastroenterologist will surgically cut the hemorrhoids from the base.
  • Haemorrhoid stapling - In individuals where the internal hemorrhoids have prolapsed, the surgeon, with the help of a specialized stapler, fixes the blisters in the canal to restrict the blood flow. These blisters will eventually dry and fall off. It is the least painful process with the shortest recovery time.

Benefits of Haemorrhoid Surgery

Some benefits of hemorrhoid surgery that suggest you should go for it are -

  • Relief from pain and reduces discomfort
  • Lower chances of infection
  • Results are effective and long-term in most cases

Associated Risks of Piles Surgery

Surgery is usually the last resort for treating piles. Although, it is non-invasive, risk-free, and highly effective. However, like any other surgery, some common risk factors associated with hemorrhoid surgery are -

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection at the site of surgery
  • Reaction to anesthesia

Will the surgery cure hemorrhoids permanently?

Depending on the type of surgery, your surgeon will remove the existing blisters. However, the veins might get inflamed again during the next pregnancy or if you continue with a diet lacking a good amount of fiber. In addition, if the hemorrhoids are caused due to obesity, your doctor will suggest incorporating some physical activity to regain health.

How long will the recovery take?

Depending on the procedure, overall health precautions are taken. The recovery usually takes anywhere between four to six weeks. During this, it is advised to take adequate rest, eat food rich in fibers, and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Is the surgery painful?

The surgeon will perform the surgery after administering local anesthesia. While the procedure is pain-free, you might experience residual pain for the next few days as the wound heals. You can take OTC pain killers to subside the pain.


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