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Slipped disc (Vertebral Disc Prolapse)

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Slipped disc (Vertebral Disc Prolapse) Treatment in MRC Nagar, Chennai

Slipped disc or vertebral disc prolapse is a common issue in younger adults, children, and middle-aged people. It is the slipping out of the soft tissue between the bones. To know more about the disease, contact an orthopedic near you.

What Are the Types of Slipped Disc Issues?

  • Disc protrusion- In this type of disorder, your spinal disc and associated ligaments will be intact. Still, it will develop a protruding pouch that can press the nerves around the vertebra. The compressed nerves cause pain and faulty functioning of the system. This condition leads to severe disorders and becomes the reason for more disc-related diseases.
  • Disc extrusion- In this condition, your disc and ligaments are still intact, but the nucleus inside the bones squeezes out through minute gaps in the bones. The nucleus is not recognized and is considered a foreign invader by the immune system. This will cause a lot of pain and swelling in your back, and you will not perform regular activities.
  • Disc sequestration- In this condition, the nucleus, after squeezing finally gets out of the disc and travels to distant parts of the vertebra. The consequences are more severe because the nucleus can block, cut, accumulate, and cause any further issues that can be dangerous.

What Are the Symptoms of a Slipped Disc?

  • Pain in the buttocks, hips, legs, and neck 
  • Problems bending or straightening your back
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness or tingling in your shoulders, back, arms, hands, legs, or feet
  • Pain behind the shoulder blade
  • Pain while walking, running, or doing any work
  • Loss of control of bladder and bowels, numbness in the genital area, and impotence in men.

What Are the Causes of Slipped Discs?

  • Gradual wear and tear
  • A sprain in the back
  • Excess strain on the back
  • Back pain leading to slipped disc
  • Improper posture
  • Injury or trauma

When to See a Doctor for Vertebral Disc Prolapse?

  • If you feel sudden pain in the back or lower back
  • If your pain is not treated even after taking painkillers
  • If your hands, legs, or hip seems numb or tingling

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment

What Are the Risk Factors of Slipped Discs?

  • Gradual aging
  • Excess weight
  • Genetic history
  • Occupational history putting excess strain on your back 
  • Smoking reduces oxygen supply in your vertebra

What Are the Complications of Slipped Discs?

  • Compression of spinal cord
  • Pain and swelling in the back
  • Numbness and tingling in your hand, legs, buttock, and shoulders
  • Temporary sensation loss
  • Bladder or bowel dysfunction

How to Prevent Slipped Discs?

  • Quit smoking
  • Exercise daily
  • Lose weight
  • Maintain healthy diet
  • Maintain proper posture while sitting, standing, and sleeping

How to Treat Slipped Discs?

  • Medication
    • Over the counter pain reliever
    • Corticosteroids injections
    • Muscle relaxers
    • Opioids
  • Surgery
    Surgery is usually the last option in the treatment as the symptoms are controllable. Some surgeries involve removing only the protruding portion of the disc, while others include the complete removal of the entire disc.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment


Slipped disc or vertebral disc prolapse is when the soft tissues between the bones slip out of their position and cause pain in the spinal cord. The pain spreads across the cord and reaches up to hands, neck, buttocks, legs, and feet. Complications include loss of bladder control, sensation loss, pain, inflammation, tingling in hands and legs, and compression of the spine. Few medications, physical therapy, can treat the symptoms of slipped disc. Surgery is the last option in slip disc, which is done by bone grafting or metal grafting.

I am 25 years old, and I often suffer from lower back pain extending from the spine. What are the chances that I might have a slipped disc?

The chances fair that you develop slipped disc because the issue is not restricted to old age. You will have to get your imaging and nerve test done to make sure if the pain is due to a slipped disc or not. Visit your nearest orthopedic doctor to know more about the disease symptoms and diagnostic tests.

How do I get myself tested for a slipped disc?

You will have to visit your nearest orthopedic office and take your imaging test like- X-ray, CT Scan, MRI, and myelogram. Apart from that, electromyograms and nerve conduction studies must also be taken to ensure that your nerve conduction is not damaged.

I am suffering from a slipped disc for a year. What can I do to prevent the pain?

You can ease the pain with the help of a few over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium. You can use a hot/cold pack, exercise daily, and go for physical therapies to prevent restricted motion of your spine.


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