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Best Allergies Treatment in MRC Nagar, Chennai

An allergy occurs when your immune system responds to a substance, which is foreign or harmful to your body. These substances are termed allergens. Allergens may be pollen, certain foods, bee venom or pet dander. Based on the type of allergy, your body may exhibit responses like sneezing, inflammation, mild irritation or a life-threatening emergency called anaphylaxis. Though allergies may not be cured, identifying them and taking necessary preventive measures can help keep your symptoms at bay.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

Allergy symptoms depend on the type of allergy that you have. The common symptoms of allergy are as follows.

  • Mild symptoms may occur such as runny nose, itchiness, red eyes, rash or hives. These symptoms are limited to a specific body part.
  • Moderate symptoms may spread to other body parts. They include hives, itchiness and difficulty in breathing.
  • In severe cases, anaphylaxis, or a life-threatening emergency may arise in which your entire body is affected. Along with initial, mild symptoms, there will be a quick progression to more serious symptoms such as breathing and swallowing difficulties, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, hives and swelling. These may be accompanied by dizziness or mental confusion due to a fall in your blood pressure.

What are the causes of allergies?

The exact cause of allergies is unknown. However, there are a few allergy triggers due to which your immune system may produce antibodies to identified allergens. Certain allergy triggers can include particular foods, insect stings, airborne allergens, medications or latex. Allergy symptoms can occur due to the release of certain immune system chemicals like histamine.

When should you consult a doctor?

If you experience any of the allergy symptoms mentioned above and are not getting relief from over-the-counter medications, or if you are facing an anaphylactic reaction, contact your doctor immediately. A doctor who is qualified in allergies and immunology can help you diagnose, evaluate and treat your allergic symptoms.

If you have any doubts, search for general medicine hospitals near me, general medicine doctor near me or

request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

How are allergies diagnosed?

Your immunologist diagnoses allergies by asking you about your symptoms and performing a physical examination. Your immunologist may also ask you about your past food history to identify food allergies or certain medications or substances that you may have consumed or come in contact with to identify your allergen. Other than this, a skin test or blood test may be performed to identify your sensitivity to possible allergens.

What is the treatment for allergies?

Though an allergen cannot always be avoided, following certain steps can help in reducing your allergy triggers.

  • Allergen avoidance helps in reducing your symptoms.
  • Certain medications can help reduce symptoms and control your immune system reaction like nasal sprays, eye drops or pills.
  • Immunotherapy treatment is provided when other treatments have failed. This includes a number of injections or tablets which your immunologist may administer to treat your allergies.
  • In emergency cases, an epinephrine injection can help reduce your symptoms till you reach the hospital. This life-saving injection should be with you if you have severe allergic reactions.

If you have any doubts do not hesitate to search for a general medicine doctor near me or a general medicine hospital in Chennai.


Most allergies cannot be cured. However, the symptoms can be managed with an approach involving allergen avoidance, medications and certain lifestyle changes. By contacting your immunologist, you can help control your allergic symptoms, identify what you can do in emergency situations and lead a healthy life.

What are the risk factors for allergies?

Having asthma or having someone in your family with a history of allergies or asthma are some of the risk factors for allergies.

What are the complications?

Anaphylaxis, asthma, sinusitis or infections of the ears or lungs can occur as complications of allergies.

How can you prevent allergies?

Avoiding identified triggers for your allergies, maintaining a diary to identify your allergies and wearing a medical alert bracelet to inform others that you have an allergy to a particular substance can help prevent future allergic reactions and reduce the intensity of symptoms, and help you receive timely medical assistance.


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