Lumpectomy Surgery in MRC Nagar, Chennai
Lumpectomy is a surgical procedure to remove cancerous cells or other abnormal tissues from your breast. Since only a portion of the breast is removed during a lumpectomy, the procedure is also known as breast-conserving surgery (BCS).
During this procedure, all cancerous cells or other abnormal tissues will be removed by your surgeon along with a small amount of healthy tissue and lymph nodes surrounding the cancer. The surgeon does this to ensure that only normal tissues remain inside the body. This procedure is only suggested by your doctor if you are a patient with early-stage breast cancer.
About Lumpectomy Procedure
The lumpectomy procedure starts by locating the area of the breast that contains the tumor. This process is known as the localization procedure. In the localization process, your surgeon or radiologist uses an ultrasound or mammogram to locate the tumor and a thin wire, needle or small radioactive seed to make the incision. In case your doctor can easily feel the mass or lump through your skin, the localization process is not necessary.
After the surgery, your surgeon may even remove some lymph nodes from under your arms and on the side of your breast to test whether the cancer has spread or not. If your surgeon finds that the tumor has spread or it was found in a lymph node before the surgery, several lymph nodes around your armpit may be removed.
Once your surgeon has removed all the tumor and any lymph nodes, the incision is closed with stitches. Thin adhesive strips or glue may be placed on the incision to keep it closed until it heals completely.
Who is a Good Candidate for the Procedure?
Ideally, women who are detected with early-stage breast cancer are a good candidate for lumpectomy. Otherwise, the procedure is a good option if you/your:
- Are worried about losing your breast.
- Have not got your breast treated earlier with lumpectomy or radiation therapy.
- Have access to and accept to undergo radiation therapy.
- Have a tumor that is smaller than 05 cms or 02 inches and which is even small relative to the size of your breast.
- Have tumors in one area of your breast or multiple areas but close enough to be surgically removed together without altering the appearance of your breasts.
- Are not expecting a baby, or if expecting, will not require radiation therapy immediately.
- Are free of a genetic factor, such as ATM or BRCA mutation, which may increase your chances of developing a second tumor.
- Breast cancer is not inflammatory.
- Do not have any specific connective tissue diseases, like lupus or scleroderma, which may make you sensitive and prone to the side effects of radiation therapy.
Why is Lumpectomy Done?
Lumpectomy is done to remove a tumor or other abnormal tissue that is removable with a single incision on your breast. If your biopsy results prove that you have breast cancer and that the tumor is small and at its early stage, your doctors may recommend lumpectomy. The procedure may also be performed to remove certain pre-cancerous or noncancerous (benign) breast abnormalities. Otherwise, your doctor may recommend the surgical procedure, if you have a history of scleroderma.
Benefits of Lumpectomy
The main advantage of lumpectomy procedure is that the benign tumor is removed without disturbing or changing the natural appearance of your breast and keeping sensation intact. Studies have shown that lumpectomy surgery followed by radiation therapy is equally effective in preventing breast cancer from occurring again as removing the entire breast (mastectomy), for women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Lumpectomy allows for better breast symmetry. With a lumpectomy, you can keep most of your natural breast post-surgery. Consult an oncologist near you if you find any abnormal growth or lump in your breast.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
Risks and Complications Involved in Lumpectomy
Like any other surgical procedure, lumpectomy also carries certain side effects, which has been mentioned below:
- Infection.
- Bleeding.
- Temporary swelling.
- Pain.
- Tenderness.
- Hard scar tissue forming at the surgical site.
- Alterations in the shape and therefore, the appearance of your breast, especially if a large portion of it is removed.
Lumpectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove all the cancerous and other abnormal tissues from your breast without affecting the natural appearance of your breast. If you are an early-stage patient of breast cancer and do not have any other complications and/or difficulties with radiation therapy, lumpectomy is highly recommended. Consult an oncologist near you for early diagnosis and treatment.
The healing time after lumpectomy surgery is usually between a few days to a week. If you’ve undergone lumpectomy without lymph node biopsy, you can expect to return to work after two to three days and can start with normal physical activities, such as gymming after one week.
Lumpectomy is generally an outpatient surgery, which means patients are discharged on the day of the surgery itself. Although, the procedure takes about an hour to complete.
Radiation therapy starts three to eight weeks post lumpectomy procedure unless chemotherapy is planned.
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