Medical Admission or Emergency Admission in MRC Nagar, Chennai
Medical admission is a procedure by which a patient is admitted to a hospital to undergo any test, treatment, diagnosis or surgery. You might need medical admission as an emergency admission or elective admission. During medical admission, doctors and nurses will check your vital signs and get a blood test, urine test, stool test or imaging test (X-ray, MRI, CT scan) depending upon the severity of your condition.
What do you need to know about medical admission?
Based on the severity, you will need to visit a hospital as an outpatient, day-patient or inpatient. As an outpatient, you need to go to a hospital for an appointment but can not stay overnight. As a day-patient, you visit a hospital for treatments like minor surgery, dialysis or chemotherapy. For medical admission as an inpatient, you need to stay overnight at the hospital under the observation of an emergency care team or a general medicine specialist for test, treatment or surgery.
What are the types of medical admission?
There are two types of medical admission depending upon your medical condition:
- Emergency admission – An emergency medical admission is a condition that is not planned and results from any trauma, injury or acute illness that is not treatable on an outpatient basis. It needs the collective work of a team of the Emergency Department.
- Elective admission – It is the type of medical admission in which a doctor requests authorities to reserve a bed for your treatment, diagnosis or to perform minor surgery.
What is the need for medical admission?
Under the following conditions, you might need medical admission at a good hospital to get appropriate treatment.
- Shortness of breath
- Heavy bleeding
- Chest pain
- Loss of consciousness for a long time or trauma
- High fever, severe headache and severe pain
- Problem with vision, speech or movement of limbs
- Stroke or heart attack
- Sprain, ligament break or fracture
- Accident
- Severe allergy
What should you ask before medical admission?
Before medical admission, you need to ask the authorities concerned a few questions:
- What is the reason for my medical admission?
- What was the result of my diagnosis?
- How long will I have to remain in the hospital?
- Will my health insurance cover the hospital bill?
- What treatment will I get?
- What are the risks associated with medical admission?
- What will happen if I don’t want to get admitted? Is there any alternative available for me?
What are the basic tests during medical admission?
There are various tests performed during medical admission, such as:
- Blood test and intravenous injections to administer drugs or to replace fluids
- Blood pressure, body temperature and blood oxygen concentration
- X-ray – To get details of a fracture, lung infection or fluid in the lungs
- CT scan and MRI – 360–degree image of the head, chest and abdomen
- ECG – It measures the activity of the heart and looks for damaged heart muscle
- Ultrasound – Usually during pregnancy
- Biopsy – usually to detect cancer
- Catheterization – To insert a catheter into a vein, or artery
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What is the level of care at a hospital?
Depending upon your medical condition, you can be provided with a varying level of care at a hospital:
- Intensive care unit (ICU) – For critically ill people or those who need ventilators
- Surgical care unit – Patients who had surgery
- Cardiac care unit (CCU) – For heart patients
- Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) – For children
- Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) – For newborns
- Step-down unit – Patients who need close nursing support
- Surgery floor
- Medical floor
- Neurosurgical unit
- Oncology unit – cancer
- Emergency department unit
What should you bring along with you to the hospital?
You must not bring anything valuable to the hospital like jewelry and plenty of cash if you are staying overnight. Bring the following documents along with you:
- Identity proof
- List of your current medications
- List of all medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension
- List of previous surgeries
- Name and contact of your physician
You might get discharged from the hospital overnight or after a couple of days. A team of doctors will study your vital signs before discharge. You need to sign the discharge papers and pay for the hospital bill.
If you are not suffering from severe trauma and disease, you can have the appropriate treatment at home or at a clinic. You must have a first-aid kit at home as a means of quick treatment. Rather than visiting a hospital as an inpatient, you can go to a doctor’s clinic for some diagnosis. Medical admission is a detailed procedure that is costly and requires time. Even after discharge, you need follow-up and must take medications and all necessary precautions.
You can contract urinary tract infection, meningitis, gastroenteritis and pneumonia.
Maintain hygienic conditions, proper disposal of waste and ensure thorough hand wash to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading infections.
The most common reasons for emergency medical admission are accidents and heart failure.
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