Best Appendix Surgery in MRC Nagar, Chennai
What is an Appendectomy?
Appendectomy refers to the surgical removal of an infected appendix. The appendix is a small tubular organ at the junction of the small and large intestine. While some scientists consider it a storehouse for good bacteria, most regard the appendix as a vestigial organ with no noticeable impact on the digestive function.
Because of its placement, the appendix is subject to severe infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites passing through the digestive tract. The condition is known as appendicitis and causes severe pain in the individual. As the infection increases, you may experience increased swelling and pain that radiates to the lower abdomen region.
Appendectomy surgery is an invasive process for removing an inflamed appendix. First, your gastroenterologist will make a small incision on the stomach, around the appendix. Then, they will remove the organ with a laparoscope to prevent further infection in the intestine. As the organ receives a continuous supply of food, the bacteria multiply faster, increasing the pain and infection.
Further, you can also develop cancerous growth in the appendix. While there can be multiple reasons for tumor development in the appendix, the position increases the risk factor and fatality.
In some severe conditions, delay in surgery can cause the appendix to rupture and damage the gastrointestinal tract and other adjacent organs.
Who Qualifies for Appendectomy Surgery?
A larger percentage of the population gets affected by appendicitis every year. A most prominent reason for this is inappropriate eating habits and poor digestion. People who consume higher quantities of processed food are at a higher risk of developing the infection. Further, individuals suffering from chronic constipation, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis can also develop appendicitis.
Symptoms pointing towards a possible appendicitis are -
- Nausea and vomiting
- A low-grade fever
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Abdominal bloating
- Loss of appetite
- Localized swelling
In case you witness these symptoms, you must consult a gastroenterology specialist near you at the earliest.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
Why is Appendectomy Conducted?
Appendicitis is a medical emergency. You must visit a doctor as a priority without delay. Appendectomy surgery is conducted to reduce the chances of perforation of the appendix.
A perforated or ruptured appendix can cause physical damage to nearby organs like the intestine and reproductive organs. In addition, it can develop conditions like peri-appendiceal abscess - formation of pus or diffuse peritonitis causing infection in the inner lining of the abdomen and the pelvis.
Different Types of Appendectomy
While it is a medical emergency, appendectomy is a comparatively smaller surgery with low levels of risk. In addition, the procedure is simple. Earlier, surgeons used to perform an open appendectomy.
Most surgeries are now conducted using a laparoscope with three minimal incisions on the stomach with the advancement in technology. In addition, your surgeon will suture the wound with absorbable thread, which gets dissolved in the long run.
Benefits of Appendectomy
One of the significant benefits of removing the appendix is the relief you will get from unbearable pain. Unfortunately, after a certain point, pain-relief medicines will not prove helpful if you continue to avoid the surgery.
Additionally, an inflamed appendix has a risk of causing severe damage to the body due to rupture and subsequent infection. You can reduce this risk by timely removal of the infected organ.
In some severe cases, appendicitis also causes loss of appetite, which can be detrimental in the long run for the body's overall health. Hence, it is advisable to take medical help on an urgent basis.
Associated Risks
The appendix does not have any significant contribution to the digestion process. Hence, its removal is primarily harmless, causing no changes in any other body functions. However, appendectomy does have some risks associated as with any surgery, such as -
- Infection at the site of incision
- Damage to adjacent nerves and organs
- Excessive bloody loss
Pain for appendicitis usually originates in the middle of the abdomen. As the condition aggravates, it moves towards the lower right part, where the appendix is roughly located. In the initial days, the pain is recurring and mild. With an increase in infection, the pain gets severe and unbearable.
You may experience sharp pain triggered due to the build-up of abdominal gas. The pain is usually short-lived and will subside within a few hours. However, abdominal pain is also a sign of appendicitis. The pain will be mild and occasional initially and intensifies over the next few days, making it unbearable. Pain for flatulence is localized in the middle of the tummy. In the case of appendicitis, it moves towards the lower right side of the abdomen.
Infection in the appendix is a serious concern and requires immediate attention. In addition, the pain gets excruciating and starts interfering with other body functions. While the first line of treatment usually includes over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotics and pain-relieving medicine, it is advisable to remove a severely infected appendix. In certain conditions, if you continue to escape surgery, appendicitis can prove to be fatal as well.
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