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Glaucoma Treatment in MRC Nagar, Chennai

Glaucoma is an eye disease caused by an extremely high pressure (intraocular pressure) on the optical nerves.  This pressure builds up due to accumulation of an eye fluid called aqueous humor. 

To know more, you can visit an eye hospital in Chennai. Or search online for an ophthalmologist near me.

What do we need to know about glaucoma?

Optical nerves are very important as they send visual information to the brain. Glaucoma can lead to complete and permanent vision loss as optical nerves get damaged. It is one of the primary causes of blindness in older people. Glaucoma affects both the eyes.

What are the different types of glaucoma? 

There are two major types of glaucoma :

  • Open-angle or wide-angle glaucoma: This is the most common type.
  • Acute or chronic angle-closure glaucoma: This is also known as narrow angle glaucoma. It's most common in Asia.

What are the indications of glaucoma?

Glaucoma generally does not show any signs at the initial stages due to its slow-developing effects. It can only be diagnosed at an advanced stage through symptoms.

Open- angle glaucoma symptoms:

  • Patchy blind spots on the periphery of both the eyes
  • Tunnel vision
  • Vision loss

Acute angle-closure glaucoma symptoms:

  • Severe headache
  • Pain in the eyes
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Vision loss
  • Halos around eyes

What are the causes of glaucoma?

Glaucoma is caused due to damage to the optic nerves. Optical nerves get damaged when sudden high pressure is applied on them due to accumulation of aqueous humor. Aqueous humor is a fluid present in the cornea that nourishes the eye. The fluid is continuously drained through in the normal eye but in glaucoma aqueous humor drains very slowly out of the eye, leading to pressure-building.

In open angle glaucoma, the trabecular meshwork is blocked partially causing pressure-building. Whereas, in angle-closure glaucoma, the iris bulges forward to narrow and block the drainage angle formed by the cornea and the iris.

When do you need to see a doctor?

If you experience some of the symptoms mentioned above, such as severe headache, eye pain and blurred vision, immediately seek medical help.

You can search online for an eye speciality hospital.

You can also request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What are the risks associated with glaucoma?

  • Intraocular pressure
  • Age 
  • Family history of glaucoma
  • Diabetes and cardiovascular conditions
  • High blood pressure
  • Thin cornea at the centre
  • Extreme myopia or hypermetropia
  • Eye injury or eye surgery in the past
  • Taking corticosteroids for a long time

What are the possible treatments for glaucoma ?

Treatment of glaucoma should be done immediately as it generally gets diagnosed at an advanced stage when chances of vision loss increase manifold. The basic principle behind all types of treatments is lowering the pressure on the optical nerves. Treatment involves:

  • Eye drops and oral medication : Both either lower the formation of aqueous humor or increase its flow out of the eye. 
  • Laser surgery: Slightly raises the flow of the fluid from the eye. 
  • Types of laser surgery:
  • Trabeculoplasty: Performed to open the drainage area.
  • Iridotomy: A tiny hole is created in the iris. This makes a tiny hole in your iris to let the fluid flow more freely.
  • Cyclophotocoagulation: This treats the middle layer of your eye to lower fluid production.
  • Microsurgery or Trabeculectomy: this includes creation of a new channel in the eye for the drainage of the fluid.

You can search online for an eye specialist near me.

You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, MRC Nagar, Chennai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.


Vision loss due to glaucoma cannot be reversed. It is important to go for regular eye checkups for an early diagnosis of the condition. If glaucoma is recognized early, vision loss can be prevented.

How is glaucoma diagnosed?

Diagnosis of glaucoma involves tests like tonometry, perimetry and ophthalmoscopy. Usually, the doctor will dilate your pupil and then examine the eye.

How can glaucoma be prevented?

Glaucoma can be prevented with routine eye tests that help in its early detection and timely treatment. You should also be aware of your family history with glaucoma. Take prescribed eye drops and wear eye protection to avoid any injuries to the eyes.

Does diabetes increase the risk of glaucoma?

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common form of diabetic eye disease and can increase your risk of glaucoma.


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