Best Colon cancer Treatment & Diagnostics in Sadashiv Peth, Pune
The large intestine is also called the colon which is the last part of your digestive system. Colon cancer is cancer that affects the large intestine. It can happen at any age. It starts as a small, non-cancerous group of cells formed inside the colon.
What Is Colon Cancer?
Cancer that forms in the large intestine is colon cancer. It may produce few symptoms. Therefore, regular screening tests are recommended to prevent colon cancer. Many treatment options are available.
What Are The Symptoms Of Colon Cancer?
Common symptoms of colon cancer are:
- Alternate constipation or diarrhea may be present. The consistency of your stool may change daily.
- Bleeding in the stool
- Discomfort in the abdomen with cramps, gas, and pain
- The feeling of fullness in the rectum
- Weakness
- Unknown weight loss
Many people do not have any symptoms in the early stage of colon cancer. The symptoms may vary depending on the size and location of the cancer cells in your intestine.
When To See A Doctor?
If you experience any discomfort or persistent symptoms, you should fix an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor can order for early screening if you are at a higher risk.
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What Are The Causes Of Colon Cancer?
The real cause of colon cancer is not known.
Colon cancer starts when the healthy cells start developing changes in their DNA. Healthy cells grow and divide continuously for the normal functioning of your body organs. But, when the DNA of a cell gets damaged, cells continue to divide even when no new cells are required. The new cells start accumulating and form a tumor.
Over time, the cancer cells keep growing and invade and destroy normal tissues. Cancerous cells can also travel to other body parts.
What Are The Risk Factors?
Some factors can increase the risk of colon cancer. The risk factors include the following:
Age: Colon cancer can develop at any age. But, in most cases, colon cancer occurs in people older than 50.
Race: African Americans are at a high risk of colon cancer than other races.
Personal history: If you have been suffering from colon polyps in the past you are at a high risk of getting colon cancer again.
Inflammatory conditions: Inflammatory conditions of the colon such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colon increase your risk of developing colon cancer.
Inherited conditions: Some genes passed through your parents can put you at risk of developing colon cancer. Only a few cases are linked to gene mutations
Family history: If one or more of your family members have had colon cancer, you are more likely to develop colon cancer.
Diet: If you are eating a diet low in fiber and high in fat, your risk of colon cancer increases. Some studies show that colon cancer is also associated with a diet high in red meat and processed meat.
Lack of exercise: People who live a sedentary lifestyle can develop colon cancer due to lack of physical activity.
Diabetes: Diabetes increases the risk of colon cancer
Smoking: Smoking also increases the risk of colon cancer
Alcohol: Excess alcohol drinking also makes you prone to suffer from colon cancer
Radiation therapy: If you have been taking radiation therapy for the treatment of other cancers and it is directed to your abdomen, you are at risk of getting colon cancer.
What Are The Treatment Options For Colon Cancer?
The treatment of colon cancer depends on different factors. It depends on your overall health, the stage of cancer, and the size. Your doctor will make the right treatment plan depending on your condition.
Colon cancer is cancer that starts in the large intestine which is the last part of the digestive system. Regular screening helps in the diagnosis of colon cancer. People above the age of 50 should go for regular screening for an early diagnosis.
A plain X-ray cannot help to detect colon cancer but it can indicate an obstruction in the large intestine. A doctor can recommend further tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Colon cancer does not spread quickly. It is a slow-growing tumor. It may get unnoticed for many years until you go for screening.
A colonoscopy is a procedure done for the diagnosis of colon cancer. The doctor inserts a thin tube equipped with a camera into your anus to see through the colon.
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