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Enlarged prostate treatment (BPH)

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Enlarged prostate treatment (BPH) Treatment & Diagnostics in Sadashiv Peth, Pune

Enlarged prostate treatment (BPH)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH is an enlarged prostate. It is benign and is a common disease in men. It gets worse with age leading to infection and bladder damage. There are different ways to treat BPH depending on your symptoms.

What is BPH?

When the cells of the prostate glands begin to multiply leading to its enlargement, this condition is called Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. Your prostate glands swell and squeeze the urethra. This limits the flow of urine. BPH is not cancerous and does not lead to cancer. But the symptoms of BPH reduce the quality of your life.

What are the symptoms of BPH?

The severity of symptoms varies in people but it worsens over time. The common symptoms of BPH are as follows:

  • A frequent urge to urinate
  • Difficulty in starting urination
  • Nocturia or increased frequency of urination at night
  • A weak flow of urine
  • A slowed or delayed urinary stream
  • Feeling that the bladder is full even right after urinating

What are the causes of BPH?

The causes of the enlargement of the prostate glands are not known entirely. Most men have continued growth of the prostate glands throughout their lives. This leads to enlargement of the prostate glands blocking urine flow and leading to other urinary symptoms. Changes in male sex hormones with age can also be a factor leading to BPH.

When to see a doctor?

If you face urinary problems, seek medical attention. Even if the issues are mild, it is important to understand the underlying reasons behind them. Untreated urinary problems can lead to severe complications. See a doctor immediately if you face difficulty in passing urine.

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How can we treat BPH?

Depending on the intensity of your conditions, you and your doctor will decide the right treatment option for you. The common treatment options are as follows:

  • Active surveillance: your BPH will be closely watched and monitored but not actively treated. A timely examination is conducted to assess any change in your condition. This treatment option is suitable for you if you have mild to moderate symptoms. If your symptoms worsen, your doctor will recommend active treatment.
  • Prescription drugs:
    • Alpha-blockers: This include doxazosin, alfuzosin, terazosin, tamsulosin, and silodocin. Alpha-blockers do not reduce the size of the prostate but improve urine flow and reduce BPH symptoms. These are suitable for you if you have moderate to severe symptoms.
    • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors: these drugs are suitable for men with very large prostate glands. They shrink the size of the prostate gland and prevent complications. They work by blocking the production of DHT which is a male hormone that might cause prostate growth.
    • Combined drug therapy: if either of the above-mentioned medication is not effective alone, then your doctor might suggest a combination of both drugs.
  • Minimally invasive or surgical procedures: If the medications are not effective or you are facing bladder stones, urinary tract obstruction, or blood in your urine, your doctor might recommend minimally invasive procedures. The different types of surgical therapies available are as follows:
    • TUNA(transurethral needle ablation): your doctor places needles into your prostate gland. Radio waves are passed through these needles which destroy excess prostate tissues that are blocking the urine flow.
    • TUMT(transurethral microwave thermotherapy): your doctor inserts a special electrode into your prostate area through your urethra. Microwave energy is passed through the electrode which destroys the inner portion of the enlarged prostate. Hence, it shrinks in size and eases the process of urination.
    • TUIP(Transurethral incision of the prostate): this is done to widen the urethra. The surgeon will make small cuts in your bladder neck using a laser beam or electric current. Hence, the pressure of the prostate on the urethra is released making it convenient for you to urinate.
    • TURP(Transurethral resection of the prostate): The surgeon inserts a thin, tube-like instrument called a resectoscope into your urethra. It has a thin wire loop through which current is passed to cut away prostate tissue that is causing the blockage in the urine flow. This surgery is performed under anesthesia and it relieves symptoms quickly.
  • Laser therapy: in this procedure, a high-end laser is passed to destroy the excess tissues causing a blockage in urine flow.
  • PUL(Prostatic urethral lift): the sides of the prostate are compressed using special tags to increase the flow of urine.



BPH is common among men as they get older. It is a benign form of tissue overgrowth and dos not lead to cancer. There are many surgical and nonsurgical treatment options available. You and your doctor can choose the right treatment option for you depending on your symptoms, size of your prostate, and other health conditions.

What are the risk factors for prostate gland enlargement?

Aging is the primary risk factor for BPH. It is more common among men over 50 years of age. If someone in your blood relation had BPH, then it is more likely that you will be facing problems. Diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity are other factors that increase your risk of having BPH.

What are the complications of an enlarged prostate?

The complications of an enlarged prostate can include urinary retention, bladder stones, urinary tract infections, bladder damage, and kidney damage.

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