Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery in Sadashiv Peth, Pune
Shoulder arthroscopy is a surgical procedure used by orthopedic surgeons to look inside the shoulder, detect issues, and treat them.
What is Shoulder Arthroscopy?
In shoulder arthroscopy, an arthroscope (small camera) is inserted in the shoulder joint through an incision, to check for damages in and around the shoulder joint and repair them.
Why is Shoulder Arthroscopy Done?
Shoulder arthroscopy is recommended when an individual has a painful condition that hasn’t responded to nonsurgical treatment options such as physical therapy, injections, and rest. Due to these conditions, inflammation can lead to stiffness, swelling, and pain. Most of these conditions occur due to wear and tear, overuse, or injury to the joint. Shoulder arthroscopy can help relieve symptoms of these problems. Some of the conditions for which shoulder arthroscopy is recommended include -
- Tear in rotator cuffs
- Loose tissue or cartilage
- Damaged or torn ligaments or labrum
- Damaged or torn tendon in biceps
- Inflammation around the rotator cuff
- Collarbone arthritis
- Shoulder impingement syndrome
- Inflammation or damage to joint lining due to rheumatoid arthritis
When to see a doctor?
You should see a doctor if you have consistent pain in your shoulder joints that does not heal with time.
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How is Shoulder Arthroscopy Done?
First, the patient will be position in either of these two positions -
- Lateral decubitus position - The patient will have to lie down on their side, on the operating table, in this position.
- Beach chair position - In this position, the patient sits in a semi-seated position, similar to a reclining beach chair.
After this, the skin will be cleaned using an antiseptic solution. The surgeon will then make a small hole in your shoulder. Through this hole, an arthroscope will be inserted. Images from this device will be projected on a screen where your surgeon will examine the area for any damage. After identifying the problem, your surgeon will make other small incisions to insert special instruments that may be used for knot tying, grasping, shaving, suture passing, and cutting. After the procedure, your surgeon will close the incisions with staples or stitches and the incision sites will be covered with bandages.
What Happens After Shoulder Arthroscopy?
After shoulder arthroscopy, the patient is brought to the recovery room where they will be kept under observation for 1 to 2 hours. If required, your doctor will prescribe you pain medication and your stats will be monitored. Most patients can go home on the same day as their surgery. It usually takes a few weeks to months for the shoulder to recover completely. You may also experience some swelling and pain after their surgery. You may be asked to wear a sling for a few weeks after surgery. You can shower once your wounds stop draining. Also, you would have to undergo physical therapy to restore your shoulder’s motion and strength.
What are the Complications Associated with Shoulder Arthroscopy?
Some complications that are associated with shoulder arthroscopy include -
- Blood clots
- Damage to surrounding blood vessels or nerves
- Excessive bleeding
- Infection
- Breathing issues
- Allergic reaction to anesthesia or medication
- Weakness in shoulder
- Stiffness in shoulder
- Repair fails to heal
- Chondrolysis
If an individual has a minor problem or injury, they can resume their daily activities within a few days after shoulder arthroscopy. If the injury is more complicated, it may take more time to recover. The outlook of shoulder arthroscopy is positive and successful for most patients.
Some of the most common procedures that are performed during shoulder arthroscopy include -
- Repairing ligaments
- Repairing shoulder dislocation
- Repairing rotator cuff
- Removing loose cartilage or inflamed tissue
- Removing or repairing the labrum
- Removal of bone spurs
Before shoulder arthroscopy, your doctor will perform a complete health checkup to ensure that there aren’t any other medical issues that need to be addressed. Generally, arthroscopic procedures are conducted as outpatient procedures and patients can go home on the same day as the surgery. You will need someone to drive you home after the surgery. Your doctor will ask you to stop taking certain medications such as blood thinners and NSAIDs, at least two weeks before surgery. You should stop smoking if you do because this can delay wound and bone healing. If you have the flu, a cold, herpes, or any other medical problem before your surgery, you should inform your doctor about it.
Typically, shoulder arthroscopy lasts less than an hour. However, it can vary, depending on repairs that a patient may require.
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