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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Treatment & Diagnostics in Sadashiv Peth, Pune

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to the condition wherein the person is unable to control and organize the function of muscles of the pelvic floor. A pelvic floor is a group of muscles found at the base of the pelvis. The pelvis comprises organs such as the bladder, uterus (or prostate in men), and rectum, the pelvic floor provides a base to them. The pelvic floor dysfunction may cause a problem with bowel movement or urination. The pelvic muscles provide support to most of the organs around the pelvic bone. The pelvic organs constitute organs such as the bladder, the uterus, and the vagina amongst women, the prostate in men, and the rectum that is located at the lower end of the large intestine performing the function of storing the solid waste of the body.

During pelvic floor dysfunction, the pelvic muscles are not in control and keep tightening instead of staying relaxed, which may further lead to problems relating to bowel movement, stool leaks, urine leaks, or pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic floor dysfunction, if not treated in time, may lead to discomfort or infection. Due to pelvic floor dysfunction, during sexual intercourse, the woman may sense pain and the man may have problems having or keeping an erection.

What can be the Different Types of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

There are different types of pelvic floor dysfunctions, namely,

  • Rectocele
  • Obstructed defecation
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Levator syndrome
  • Paradoxical puborectalis contraction
  • Urethrocele
  • Pudendal neuralgia
  • Coccygodynia
  • Proctalgia
  • Uterine prolapse
  • Enterocele
  • Cystocele

What are the Causes of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction may be caused due to the following factors:

  • Overweight
  • Increasing age
  • Pelvic surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Nerve damage
  • An injury suffered around the pelvic region
  • Overuse of the pelvic muscles

What are the Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

If you suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction, you may suffer from some common signs and symptoms. These signs can symptoms differ among men and women.


  • Pain in the pelvic region, genitals, or rectum
  • Constipation
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Premature and painful ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Difficulty in bowel movement
  • Accidental leakage of urine
  • Pain in penis or pelvis during sexual intercourse
  • Unexplainable pain in the lower back


  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Unexplainable pain in the lower back
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Pain in the pelvic region, genitals, or rectum
  • Frequent need to urinate

When to See a doctor?

When you experience any bowel discomfort, an unusual bulge around the lower pelvis, pelvic pain, or any pain and discomfort during the sexual discomfort, a doctor should be consulted. Pelvic floor dysfunction can be treated in several ways and the right treatment may be recommended by your doctor depending upon the signs and symptoms.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Pune

Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment

What Treatments are Available for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

After the cause of pelvic floor dysfunction is diagnosed, the doctor may recommend any of the following treatments for treating the same.

  • Dietary changes
  • Pain relief
  • Biofeedback
  • Laxatives
  • Pessary
  • Surgery

What Measures can be taken at Home to Help Treat and Reduce the Effects of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Certain self-care measures can be adopted to help pelvic floor dysfunction:

  • Quit or limit the practice of smoking.
  • Ignore your bladder as it is controlled by your behavior.
  • Maintain a stabilized body weight with a healthy diet plan and the implementation of regular exercises to strengthen your core.


  • Pelvic dysfunction
  • Pelvic floor
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Pelvis
  • dysfunction

Is pelvic floor dysfunction hereditary?

Yes, pelvic floor dysfunction can be hereditary. It can be running down your family lineage.

Is pelvic floor dysfunction different for men and women?

Yes, the conditions for pelvic floor dysfunction may differ in men and women. In men, pelvic floor dysfunction can be characterized by Erectile Dysfunction, Prostatitis, or male urinary dysfunction. While in women, pelvic floor dysfunction may harm the reproductive system constituting the uterus and vagina.

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