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Ankle Ligament Reconstruction

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Best Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Treatment & Diagnostics in Sadashiv Peth, Pune

Ankle ligament reconstruction is performed to treat serious sprains or any instability in the ankle. Basically, your ankle is a hinge joint, which allows the movements of up and down, and side to side. If you are someone who’s experiencing foot deformities, your ligaments tend to become weak and loose, causing your ankle to become unstable. The ankle reconstruction surgery is performed under general anesthesia where one or more ligaments are tightened.

What are the Symptoms of Ankle Ligament Surgery?

Aforementioned, you may need ankle ligament surgery if you are suffering from an ankle sprain or instability. Some of the symptoms of ankle sprain include;

  • Bruising, pain, or swelling of the ankle where putting even slight weight on your ankle can cause discomfort
  • You may feel like your ankle is catching or locking
  • You won’t experience the necessary stability, which leads the ankle to give way frequently
  • Ankle dislocation, skin discoloration, and stiffness

What Causes Ankle Sprain?

You experience an ankle sprain when your foot suddenly twists or rolls, this leads to the dislocation of the joint from its normal position. This can also occur during a normal physical activity where the ankle may twist inward causing a sudden or unexpected movement and leads to tearing or stretching of the ligament.

If there are tears in the ligament, you may notice swelling or bruising. This also causes pain and discomfort. An ankle sprain can also lead to the damage of tendons, cartilage, and blood vessels. This condition can occur to anyone regardless of age. But the risk factor goes up if you are someone who plays sports, exercises too much, or has a habit of walking on uneven flooring.

What Does the Surgery Involve?

This is a single-day procedure where the patient will be administered general anesthesia where an injection is given near the ankle to ensure it remains numb and you won’t experience any fish. During the surgery, the doctor will perform a single incision on the ankle, through which the scar tissue will be located from the torn ligament that’s present near the fibula bone and will be repaired with the help of stitches to the bone.

What is the Recovery Process after the Surgery?

  • After the surgery, your foot remains in the plaster and will remain numb and you will not experience any pain immediately after the surgery
  • The discharge process only takes place after you are fully comfortable and painkillers will be monitored if required.
  • A physiotherapist will be recommended if your doctor thinks you might need one
  • During the first few weeks, you will have to keep your legs raised to ensure it doesn’t swell
  • For the first few weeks, you must not move around much except for going to the toilet
  • Some blood might ooze out and it is expected, but if it becomes too much, contact your doctor immediately
  • Anti-inflammatory oral tablets may also be prescribed for the first few weeks
  • After two weeks, six weeks, and 12 weeks you will have to go to the doctor

When Will You Be Able To Walk?

When you can walk depends on the kind of procedure you have undergone. You might have to keep your plaster on till your ankle recovers. You will have 2-3 follow-ups with your doctor where your recovery will be monitored and your doctor will be able to tell you when you can walk again.

When to See a Doctor?

If you notice any excessive bleeding or pain, it is important to see a doctor immediately.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Pune

Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment

Take it slow and steady while you are recovering from your surgery. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor about them.

How do I take a bath after the surgery?

While you are washing or showering, make sure you keep your plaster dry.

When can I go back to work or school?

If your work involves sitting down or are a student, you can return in two weeks. For manual work, you will have to wait 8-10 weeks.

Is it dangerous?

Like any surgery, it comes with its own set of risks but you can talk to your doctor about how to combat them.


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