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Prostate Cancer

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Prostate Cancer Treatment & Diagnostics in Sadashiv Peth, Pune

Prostate Cancer

One of the most common types of cancer in men is prostate cancer. The prostate is a gland, which is located between the penis and the bladder. If diagnosed during the early stages, it is a treatable condition.

The prostate is a gland that carries our various functions, which include;

  • Production of the fluids necessary for the transportation and nourishment of the sperm
  • Produces PSA or Prostate-Specific Antigen, which is important as it helps keep the semen in its liquid state
  • It also helps with urine control

What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

One of the reasons why prostate cancer isn’t detected early on is because it doesn’t show any symptoms during its early stages. However, some of the symptoms you might notice include;

  • Trouble urinating, where you find it difficult to start urinating
  • Feeling the urge to urinate frequently at night
  • Pain during ejaculation (Not in every case, just a few)
  • You will notice that the urine stream has reduced and is not the same as before
  • You may also see blood in the urine and/or semen
  • Pain in bone
  • Lose weight unintentionally
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • If the prostate becomes big, you might also feel pain or discomfort while sitting down

Advanced symptoms of prostate cancer include;

  • Bone pain or fracture of the bone, mainly in the shoulders, thighs, and the hips
  • Swelling in the legs or the feet
  • Weight loss
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Notable changes in the bowel movements
  • Back pain

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

As of now, it’s still not clear as to what causes prostate cancer. However, it is known that when the DNA in the prostate changes, the prostate cancer cells begin to develop. Basically, what happens is that the DNA tells a cell what to do. It is responsible for the rapid division of the cells. This leads to abnormal cells while the necessary cells start to die. This continues and the abnormal cells start invading the nearby tissues too. In some cases, the cells spread to other parts of the body as well.

When to Visit a Doctor?

If you notice any signs or symptoms of prostate cancer, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Pune

Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment

How is Prostate Cancer Diagnosed?

Testing for prostate cancer doesn’t happen without any symptoms. But, if you are over the age of 50, it is recommended to get tested as the risk factor goes up after the age of 50. Some of the prostate screening tests include;

Digital rectal exam - During this exam, your doctor will insert a gloved, well-lubricated finger inside your rectum to examine your prostate and looks for any abnormalities in shape, size or texture.

PSA Texture - Here, a blood sample is drawn from the veins to check for the presence of PSA, which is a substance that your prostate produced to keep the semen in a liquid state. If your doctor finds any abnormalities, further tests are conducted, which can be an ultrasound, MRI, or examination of the prostate tissue.

How is Prostate Cancer Treated?

If the prostate cancer isn’t severe, your doctor will not opt for any testing immediately. Here, regular follow-ups, blood tests, and more are conducted to monitor cancer. However, if the condition has become severe, surgery might be recommended where the prostate gland, the surrounding tissues, and even a few lymph nodes may be removed. Radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and more may be administered depending on the condition.

Finally remember, when it comes to prostate cancer, it is important to be vigilant and keep an eye out for any signs. If you ever notice the onset of symptoms, visit your doctor immediately.

Is prostate cancer common?

It is the fourth most common tumor that is diagnosed worldwide.

Is prostate cancer curable?

Prostate cancer has a 90% cure rate if detected in earlier stages.

What can I do to avoid prostate cancer?

In order to reduce the risks of cancer, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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