Medical Admission Treatment & Diagnostics in Sadashiv Peth, Pune
Medical Admission
Some health conditions need treatment or surgery, depending on the severity of your disease or injury. In such cases, you may require admission to the hospital. Therefore, you should learn about the various treatments or services provided in the hospital. Before admitting yourself to a hospital, it is necessary to acquaint yourself with the rules and regulations of that particular hospital. You should also make yourself aware of the procedures involved to get admitted to the hospital. This will make your admission hassle-free and less troublesome.
What is the Procedure for Medical Admission?
After going to the hospital, the help desk will assess your condition. They will assign you a room which depends on the condition of your health. And then, they will make you do some formalities or paperwork. You have to give your consent in the form. In case you have some doubts regarding your treatment or surgery, you can ask and clarify your doubts. You can get yourself admitted at any time of the day.
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What are the Rules to be Followed Before the Surgery?
If your health condition needs immediate surgery, your doctor at Apollo Pune will advise you to follow some rules. If the surgery is going to be conducted under general or local anesthesia, an evaluation test may be done. Your doctor will also check your fitness and you may be asked to follow a liquid diet or a nutritional diet before the surgery is conducted. You may have to give up certain medications and treatments that you are already taking too.
After the doctor has assessed your health and considers you fit for the surgery, the nurse will take over. The nurse will act according to the instructions given by the doctor or the surgeon. Few tests may also be conducted before the surgery.
What are the Essential Things You Must Carry for Your Hospital Stay?
You should carry certain essential things with you for your hospital stay. Carry things that are very important and do not take expensive things like jewelry or other valuable things as you may misplace them. Carry as few items or clothes as you can because this will lighten your burden. It is advised not to carry any cash with you because there may be a chance of losing it. The hospital will not be responsible for the loss. You will be made to wear hospital gowns, so do not carry a lot of clothes with you. Before getting yourself admitted to the hospital, it is necessary to inform your family, friends or relatives. You may need someone to stay with you. If your condition is serious, you may need someone to help with your medical formalities or attend to your other important needs.
According to the policy of the hospital, only one person is allowed to stay with you. If you are a patient from a different country, the hospital can arrange a language interpreter for you. But you need to inform them beforehand.
How To Make the Payment Through Deposit and Insurance?
You can pay the hospital fee either through insurance or a deposit. If you have health insurance, contact the insurance company. These things need to be done few days prior to the surgery. Complete all the necessary formalities beforehand.
Hospitals also offer the facility of a deposit. You have to deposit the fee before getting admitted. The deposit will be used to pay your hospital bills. If any amount is left, it will be returned to the patient. You can contact the helpline desk of the hospital if you have any queries regarding the deposit.
Knowing the procedure can help you during hospital admissions for yourself or your family. Although not all hospitals follow the same rules, these basic procedures remain the same.
The hospital provides gowns to wear during your stay.
Yes, food will be provided to you in your room.
The nurse may assist you to take your medicines on time. Your attendant can also help with your medications.
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