Orthopedic - Tendon and Ligament Repair
Tendon and ligament injuries are common, and the symptoms and treatments are typically the same. Both of these types of structures may grow weaker as people age.
To know more, you can consult an orthopedic specialist near you or visit an ortho hospital in Pune.
What is tendon repair surgery? What is ligament repair surgery?
Tendon repair is a surgery that is performed to fix a tendon that has been ripped or injured. The soft, band-like structures that link muscles to bones are known as tendons. Tendons pull the bones and cause the joints to move when the muscles contract.
Movement may be severely restricted if tendon injury occurs. The injured region may feel weak or uncomfortable.
Ligament preservation/repair is a surgical technique that involves replacing a torn or damaged ligament with a graft or removing the injured ends of the ligament and suturing the remaining healthy ends together. Shoulder, elbow, knee, and ankle ligaments can all be treated with this method.
To know more, you can consult an orthopedic doctor near you or visit an ortho hospital in Pune.
Who qualifies for tendon repair?
- A person with a sports injury
- A person with advancing age combined with a soft tissue injury
Who qualifies for ligament repair?
- People with a ligament injury
- People with cases of advanced osteoarthritis
- People who have undergone surgeries that have not responded to non-surgical treatments
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals in Pune, Maharashtra.
Call 18605002244 to book an appointment.
Why is tendon repair surgery conducted?
Tendon repair is done to restore normal joint mobility.
- Shoulders, elbows, ankles, knees and fingers are the joints most often affected by tendon injuries.
- Rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory joint condition, can also cause tendon injury. The tendons can be affected by rheumatoid arthritis.
- A laceration (cut) that extends through the skin and into the tendon can cause a tendon injury. Contact sports injuries, such as those suffered while playing football, wrestling, and rugby, are also major causes of tendon injuries.
Why is ligament surgery conducted?
Knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, and other joints all have ligaments and they can be damaged while participating in contact sports like football, soccer or basketball. Accidents and degenerative wear and tear are the two other causes of ligament damage.
What are the benefits of ligament repair?
Ligament preservation/repair helps restore healthy condition to a torn or injured ligament, improving your quality of life. Ligament preservation can enable you to return to high-level sports after a period of recovery if you are an athlete.
What are the benefits of tendon repair?
Tendon repair surgery is an in-patient surgery, so you can go home the same day you come to a hospital. You may need a cast or splint after surgery to preserve the new tendon transfer while it heals in its new location. It generally takes one to two months for this to happen.
What are the risks of ligament repair?
- Allergic reactions to anaesthesia
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Nerve injury or tissue injury of the neighbouring tissues
What are the complications of tendon repair?
Permanent scar tissue, interfering with the smooth movement of other tissues
- Re-tearing of tendon
- Stiffness of the joint
- Loss of use of some joints
Ligament and tendon injuries are common. Injury risk can be increased by a number of variables, including:
- overuse, such as via sports participation
- a fall or a blow to the head
- twisting a tendon or ligament in an unfavorable way
- A sedentary lifestyle causes weakening in the surrounding muscles.
Tendon and ligament injuries may be very painful. The injury may be misdiagnosed as a fractured bone. Tendon or ligament repair surgeries are not very painful.
It is extremely difficult to self-diagnose an injury or distinguish between tendon and ligament injuries based only on symptoms. Although many small tendon and ligament injuries heal on their own, those that cause significant pain or discomfort do not go away with time and may need to be treated. A doctor can immediately identify the condition and suggest the best course of action. Tendon and ligament injuries that go untreated raise the likelihood of persistent pain and subsequent injuries. Rather than ignoring pain, people should seek medical help as soon as possible.
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