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Snoring Treatment in Tardeo, Mumbai

Everyone snores now and then, and some people do it more often than others. This type of infrequent snoring can result from some temporary causes like having too much alcohol, eating heavy just before going to sleep or being overworked.

Such occasional snoring might not be a serious issue but can irritate the people sharing the room or bed with you. And if your snoring is chronic, then it needs your serious attention, and you need to visit an ENT specialist to deal with the issue right away.

What Exactly Happens When You Snore?

When the airflow in your airway is restricted, the flowing air causes vibration of the restricting elements and results in a vibrating sound. This sound is what we call snores. The airway can be obstructed by relaxed or enlarged tissues in the airways, swollen tonsils, or the mouth’s anatomy.

Colds or allergies causing blockages and swelling in the throat also contribute to snoring. Excess fat built up around the neck can result in constriction of the airway and generating vibration.

What Causes Snoring?

As the airway narrows due to various obstructions, the airflow becomes forceful and generates the snoring sound. Different causes for narrowing down the airway are listed here.

  • Nasal issues: Common cold, crooked partition between nostrils, or chronic congestion
  • Being overworked: Working too hard and not getting enough sleep can lead to excess relaxation of tissues in the throat.
  • Alcohol consumption: Alcohol suppresses your defence against airway collapse and furthers tissue relaxation.
  • Mouth anatomy: Too much fat around the neck, extra tissues on the back of your throat, or having a low, thick, or elongated soft palate narrows down the airway.
  • Sleep position: Sleeping on your back contributes to the narrowing of the airways.

When To See A Doctor For Snoring?

If your snoring is mild and infrequent such as when you consume alcohol or work overtime, you don’t need to be concerned. But if it is frequent and disturbingly loud, you should consult an ENT specialist in Tardeo right away.

Habitual snoring is mainly associated with a severe condition like obstructive sleep apnea. You should get it diagnosed even if you live alone and there is no chance of disrupting anyone’s sleep.

Request an appointment at  Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Tardeo, Mumbai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment

Complications Of Snoring

Snoring in itself might not cause any complications, but signs of obstructive sleep apnea often accompany it. These signs include:

  • Suddenly awaking with a loud snort or gasping sound
  • Restless sleep
  • Chest pain at night
  • Headaches in morning
  • Breathing pauses during sleep
  • Sore throat

If these symptoms are associated with snoring, it may lead to further complications like:

  • Poor attention span
  • Behavioural issues and poor performance
  • Sleepiness in daytime
  • Frustration, aggression, and anger issues
  • Risk of accidents due to lack of sleep and attentive ability

Prevention Or Remedies

Some lifestyle changes may prevent snoring or even help in treating mild snoring issues. In any case, mild or severe, it is better to consult an ENT specialist to diagnose the problem and treat it correctly.

In the meanwhile, one can make the following lifestyle changes to prevent snoring:

  • Sleep on one side
  • Treat nasal congestion
  • Get enough sleep every day
  • Do not overeat
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Follow some exercise routine

Treatment For Snoring And Associated Issues

To diagnose the exact underlying conditions that result in snoring, the ENT specialist will conduct some tests. Depending on the severity of snoring, the tests will include physical exams, some imaging tests, and sleep study.

If your snoring is mild and infrequent, the doctor may suggest lifestyle changes to follow. If it is severe and accompanies signs of obstructive sleep apnea, then it may require treatments ranging from oral appliances to airway surgery.

  • Dental mouthpieces: These are oral devices that help position the jaw, tongue, and soft palate to keep the airway clear.
  • CPAP: Involves creating continuous positive airway pressure using a mask and pump. You need to wear a mask while you sleep.
  • Surgical treatments: Palatal implants, a surgery to tighten the loose tissues in the airway, or remove your uvula and shorten your soft palate are some of the surgical treatment options.


Though it may seem like a non-issue, snoring can bring some severe complications if it goes untreated. A few lifestyle changes can certainly help manage the issue, but it is recommended to consult an ENT specialist to treat it early and avoid losing sleep over it in the future.

Do skinny people snore?

Being overweight contributes to the snoring issue, but the airway narrowing can be caused by several other problems too. So, yes, some skinny people do snore.

Can I hear myself snore?

Your ears do receive the sound of your snoring, but your brain ignores it as a non-priority sound. Thus you don’t usually hear yourself snore.

What's the best anti-snoring device?

There is no “best anti-snoring device.” A device that works for someone else may not be helpful to you. Do not choose any device at random. Consult an ENT specialist.


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