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Flu Care

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Flu Care Treatment & Diagnostics in Tardeo, Mumbai


Flu or influenza is a viral infection caused by influenza viruses. The infection caused by the flu virus is highly contagious, meaning it can spread from one person to another through respiratory droplets.

A flu virus infection causes respiratory illness and can lead to severe complications in patients suffering from chronic diseases and may even weaken the immune system. General medicine hospitals in Tardeo offer the best care and treatment for your influenza.

What Do We Need to Know About Flu?

Influenza, commonly called flu, is a contagious respiratory tract infection most commonly affecting the nose, throat, and lungs. It causes symptoms ranging from mild to potentially life-threatening health illnesses.

What Are the Symptoms of Flu?

Some of the common signs and symptoms of influenza (flu) include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Runny nose
  • Cough 
  • Dyspnea or shortness of breath
  • Headache

To seek treatment, you can visit general medicine doctors in Tardeo and receive prompt immediate treatment.

What Causes Influenza (flu)?

Influenza is caused by any closely related viruses belonging to Orthomyxoviridae (the viral family with single-stranded segmented RNA as genetic material). Based on its serotype (district variation) and surface proteins, influenza viruses are categorized into four major subtypes, namely:

  • Influenza type A
  • Influenza type B
  • Influenza type C
  • Influenza type D

Of these types, influenza type A (H1N1) is known to cause global flu epidemics and pandemics.

When Should You Consult a Doctor?

If you experience any of the flu signs and symptoms mentioned above and suspect you have come in contact with a flu patient, consult a healthcare provider right away.

Sometimes, flu can lead to severe complications, especially in people belonging to high-risk groups suffering from other health issues. If you belong to any of these high-risk groups, it is better to seek immediate help to avoid the progression of the infection.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Tardeo, Mumbai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

How Is Influenza Treated?

There are various treatment options for influenza (flu). Usually, the treatment choice depends on multiple factors, such as the severity of the symptoms, complications, and risk factors.

Some of the standard treatment and medications for Influenza include:

  • Medications for Influenza (flu): If you have severe symptoms or fall into the high-risk category, your doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs and painkillers to relieve pain.
  • Antiviral medication: Antiviral drugs are commonly administered to reduce the progression of infection caused by the flu virus. The most frequently prescribed antiviral drugs for flu infection include Rapivab, Zanamivir, Tamiflu, and Xofluza. These drugs directly target the virus and inhibit its multiplication in the body.
  • Prophylactic Medicines: Certain other types of antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir phosphate and peramivir are often used as preventative medicine (recommended before the onset of an infection as preventive medicine). This can prevent the complications associated with severe flu infection.
  • Pain Killer medications: Painkillers for flu treatment aim to relieve pain caused by respiratory infection. These painkillers are often sold as over-the-counter (OTC) products- available without a prescription. Some common painkillers used to treat flu infections include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen. 
  • Influenza Vaccine: Annual influenza vaccination or seasonal flu shots are safe and effective against most flu infections. The flu vaccine contains a heat-killed virus or inactivated antigen of the flu virus. The administration of these vaccines can trigger antibody secretion against the strain of the viral antigen. Annual influenza vaccination is one of the safe and effective prevention methods of flu. 
  • Combination therapy: This involves the administration of two or more antiviral drugs to treat flu infection. This kind of combination therapy is often used to treat resistant variants of influenza.


Fortunately, most mild cases of flu infection do not cause any significant health concerns. Their symptoms can be treated by some effective home treatments without the need for antiviral drugs. However, for moderate and severe cases, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to reducing the severity and progression of the infection. 

Apollo Hospitals offer the best care and treatment procedures in India. Our team of doctors in various specialties is expertly trained to provide the highest-quality care and treatment for your flu infection. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms, make sure you get in touch with an expert right away.

What are the possible side effects of the flu vaccine?

Some of the common side effects that people experience after a flu shot include:

  • Soreness
  • Localized pain
  • Dowrysyness, Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Muscle ache

What are the best ways to prevent flu infections?

An annual flu vaccine is considered one of the safe and effective ways to prevent flu infection. Other prevention measures include personal hygiene practices such as hand washing, avoiding crowded places, covering coughs, and avoiding physical contact with an infected individual.

Who is more prone to getting flu infections?

People who are at high risk of contracting the flu include:

  • People with a weakened immune system
  • People with long-term chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart diseases
  • Older adults (people above 65 age)
  • People frequently exposed to flu infections, such as healthcare workers
  • People in close contact with infected patients

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