Cyst Removal Surgery in Tardeo, Mumbai
Cysts are abnormal, sac-like growths that can appear in any part of your body. As time passes, more skin cells can get accumulated inside a cyst, making it grow bigger.
What are cyst removal surgeries?
If you are experiencing painful/painless lumps on your body, you must seek medical opinion without delay. A doctor will determine the severity of your cysts and decide on the best possible way to cure you. The choice of treatment depends on the location and type of cyst.
The surgical techniques for cyst removal are:
- Drainage: In this method, the doctor uses local anesthesia and makes a small incision to clear the cyst. He or she covers the wound with gauze for 1-2 days. You may have to take some antibiotics for faster healing. However, drainage can cause scarring on your skin and under the skin, making it a challenge to remove cysts if they recur.
- Fine-needle aspiration: Your doctor inserts a thin needle into the cyst to drain the fluid. After this, the lump is barely noticeable. Fine-needle aspiration is helpful for breast cysts and for biopsy procedures to detect cancer cells in a cyst.
- Surgery: If you have a dermoid, ganglion or Baker’s cyst, then surgery is considered for cyst removal. Your doctor makes a small cut and then pulls out the cyst using specialized instruments. This method may leave a scar depending on the size of the cyst.
- Laparoscopic cystectomy: It helps to deal with ovarian cysts. In this advanced cyst removal surgery, the doctor administers general anesthesia and makes some tiny incisions with a scalpel. Then, using a laparoscope, which has a camera attached to it, your doctor views the cysts clearly and removes them. There is barely any scarring as the procedure is non-invasive.
To seek treatment, you can consult a general surgery doctor near you or visit a general surgery hospital near you.
What are the types of cysts?
There are numerous types of cysts, some of which are:
- Ovarian cyst: Very common, these are found in the ovaries.
- Ganglion cyst: It appears on the wrist around a tendon.
- Baker's cyst: It is a cyst that consists of joint fluid and develops in the popliteal space behind the knee.
- Bartholin's cyst: This occurs when the small glands around your vaginal opening get enlarged.
- Nabothian cyst: This type of cyst appears on your uterine cervix and contains mucus.
- Dermoid cyst: It has multiple cysts and is a kind of benign tumor of the ovary.
- Pilonidal cysts: These arise in the soft tissue at the base of the tailbone of the lower back, just above the cleavage between the buttocks.
Who should undergo a cyst removal surgery?
Cysts are mostly asymptomatic. However, if a cyst is hindering your routine activities, then you should undergo surgery to get rid of it.
For example:
- Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) as it can give rise to serious health problems like ovarian cancer
- People with ganglion cysts because such cysts can cause pain in your joints restricting your movement
- An dermoid cyst in your scalp can make brushing your hair difficult
- A lumbar synovial cyst is a cyst in your lumbar spine, which may show symptoms of spinal disorders
Why is it necessary to undergo cyst removal surgery?
The most important reason why you should undergo cyst removal surgery is, it may contain some malignant tissues. If not removed on time, it can lead to serious complications like the cyst getting bigger or infected. This can cause pain and discomfort.
Further, the location of the cyst also makes its removal essential. For example, if you have a cyst in the liver, kidney or pancreas, it can interfere in the functioning of these organs.
When do you need to see a doctor?
If you spot a lump on any part of your body, consult a doctor.
You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chembur, Mumbai.
Call 1860-500-1066 to book an appointment.
What are the benefits of cyst removal surgery?
- Saves you from going through discomforting situations
- Reduces the risk of a bad infection
- Looks better cosmetically if the cyst is in a visible area like your face, legs or arms
Today there are laparoscopic surgeries available, which offer benefits like:
- Smaller incisions
- Less blood loss
- Faster recovery
- Minimal scarring
What are the possible complications of cyst removal surgery?
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Cyst recurrence
- Damage to other organs
Cysts are abnormal growths that can appear as lumps on your body. While mostly harmless, some cysts can cause complications and should be removed surgically. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a medical expert and avail of timely treatment.
A cyst removal surgery is an uncomplicated procedure and does not take more than 30 minutes to one hour.
There can be situations where a cyst might pop on its own. Do not worry. Consult a doctor to get it cleared completely. It lowers the chances of recurrence.
It is not enough to drain the cyst. To ensure that there is no recurrence, your doctor must excise the cyst carefully.
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