Sports Medicine
Sports medicine refers to a branch of medicine that engages with sports injuries. It deals with the treatment and prevention of these injuries.
Sports injuries are very common in athletes, younger adults, and children. Children are at a higher risk for these injuries. More than 3.5 million kids suffer from such injuries, annually.
What is sports medicine?
These injuries occur when you might be exercising or playing. These injuries usually occur if you,
- Haven’t been regular actively
- If you don’t warm up properly
- Play any contact sports
For further information, you should contact an Orthopaedic specialist near you.
What are the Types of Sports Injuries?
Different sports injuries result in different sports injuries and complications. These are some of the common injuries:
- Sprains: A sprain is a result of tearing the ligament and overstretching. The ligament is a piece of tissue that connects two bones to a joint.
- Strains: A strain is a result of tearing of muscles or tendons, or overstretching. Tendons are tissues that join bone to muscle.
- Knee Injury: Knee injuries are one of the most common sports injuries. Any muscle tear or joint injury in the knee comes under this category.
- Swollen Muscles: Swelling is a natural reaction to any muscle injury. These muscles are usually weak and cause pain.
- Achilles Tendon Rupture: The Achilles tendon is a thin, powerful tendon at the back of your ankle. This ankle can get ruptured or broken during a sports activity. It may result in pain and trouble walking.
- Fractures: Broken bones are also a sports injury.
- Dislocations: Some sports injuries result in the dislocation of a joint of your body, which means it is forced out of the socket. This is painful and causes swelling.
What are the Symptoms?
Some common symptoms,
- Swelling
- Stiffness
- Pain, in movement or stretching of your leg
- Pain, when the area is either touched or you try to rotate or move it
When to see a doctor?
If you experience any of the mentioned symptoms, you should contact your doctor. If these symptoms persist for longer than three days, treat it as an emergency. You should look for Orthopedic doctors near Bangalore if you are worried.
Request an appointment at Apollo Hospitals
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment
How to Prevent Sports Injuries?
The easiest way to prevent sports injuries is to warm up properly and stretch. Without warming up, muscles are more prone to tearing and injury.
- Use proper technique, while exercising
- Use proper equipment, while exercising
- Don’t overwork or overexert yourself
- Cool down, after a strenuous exercise, warm-up, and do stretching
What is the line of Treatment?
The first treatment for any knee injury must be the RICE procedure.
- Rest your knee. Avoid overexertion or any activities that may cause damage to your knee. Use crutches or a wheelchair if necessary.
- Ice your knee to relax your muscles. Do it for 30 minutes every three to four hours.
- Compress the knee in a bandage. This will help in reducing swelling or inflammation
- Elevate your knee to a higher surface. This will also help in reducing the swelling and the pain.
Also, remember to avoid HARM
- No Heat: Don’t apply heat
- No Alcohol: Don’t apply alcohol
- No Running: Avoid running as it decreases healing
- No Massage: Don’t massage the area.
You can search Orthopedic Hospital near you for more information about the surgery.
Request an appointment at Apollo Hospitals
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment
A sports injury is a common injury that can happen to anyone. The recovery from a sports injury depends on the severity of the injury, but it is usually easy. In several cases, home remedies and treatment are enough for repair, while some require surgery.
Contact Orthopedic Doctors near you if you find yourself having any symptoms or knee pain.
Sprains are the most common sports injury. They are caused by the tearing of ligaments due to overexertion or stretching.
The risk factors for getting a sports injury include being young. Kids are more active and hence are more likely to get a sports injury. Also, old people are prone to getting injuries, due to the wear and tear of their muscles. A sports injury can also be caused by a lack of care, like not doing a proper warm-up. Obesity can also be a cause of these injuries.
Recovery and rehabilitation take about six to eight weeks, and you must also do physical therapy to get your strength back.
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