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Best Audiometry Treatment & Diagnostics in Tardeo, Mumbai

Hearing is one of the essential senses in our body. We hear when vibrations of different sounds reach the inner parts of our ear, which are then translated into electrical impulses for our brain to process. Our brain can then differentiate among different types of sounds and identify them.

Hearing loss is a prevalent problem, especially as one ages. Older people are more prone to hearing loss. 

What Is an Audiometry Test?

An audiometry test is a complete evaluation that can test your hearing. Performed by trained personnel (audiologists), it includes testing your ability to transmit sound mechanically (middle ear function) and neurally (cochlear function) to the brain and also if you can discriminate between different sounds. 

When Do You Need an Audiometry Test?

An audiometry test may be part of a routine examination or to assess hearing loss. Following are some of the reasons you may need an audiometry test:

  • Any birth abnormalities affecting your hearing
  • Prolonged or recurrent ear infections
  • Otosclerosis, an inherited condition of abnormal bone growth preventing the normal function of the ear
  • Ménière’s disease, which affects the inner ear
  • Regular exposure to loud noises such as at concerts or construction sites
  • Ruptured eardrum or any injury to the ear

If you have any of these conditions, get yourself assessed for hearing disabilities.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Tardeo, Mumbai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

What Are the Types of Audiometry Available?

Various types of audiometry exams are available to check for any compromise of your hearing senses. Some of the common types of audiometry tests available are:

  • Pure tone audiometry (PTA)

A device called the audiometer emits sound at differing frequencies. Your audiologist will ask you to hear the sound sample through the earpiece and you need to press a button once you have heard them. The test requires about 20 minutes and evaluates air conduction inside your ears.

  • Test for background noise

It is a hearing test that can assess your ability to identify conversation from background noise. From the sample, you have to recognise the words spoken, and once you can do that, you can notify the doctor regarding the same.

  • Tuning fork test

A tuning fork placed against the bone of your ear can detect any abnormalities in the structure of your ear. It produces sound at specific frequencies and will help the audiologist determine how well you hear.

  • Bone conducive test

The test is similar to the tuning fork test, except it uses a mechanical device to transmit the vibrations to your ear. It can identify whether the hearing loss is due to an inner or outer ear issue or both.

How to Prepare for an Audiometry Test?

You do not need any specific preparations for getting an audiometry test. You only have to show up to your appointment on time.

What Are the Results of Audiometry Tests?

Audiometry test results are available immediately following the procedure. 

The sound intensity is calculated in decibels (dB), while the tone in hertz (Hz). A healthy person can hear whispers (about 20 dB) and loud sounds like jet engines (140-180 dB). Also, the tone of sound heard ranges from 20 to 20,000Hz.

Anything less than these values indicate hearing loss and needs additional support or treatment to improve the hearing.

Are There Any Risks of Getting an Audiometry Done?

As a non-invasive procedure, audiometry poses no risk to you. However, if the test is done under sedation (for children), you may feel the after-effects of anaesthesia. 


Audiometry is a comprehensive test to analyse your ability to hear. As it can detect early hearing loss, audiometry is an efficient diagnostic tool. It poses no risk and is safe for any age.

How long does a hearing test last?

A typical audiometry test can last anywhere between 30-60 minutes. If you can understand the instructions and complete the test faster, you will be done in lesser time.

How do I know if I need a hearing test?

Recognising you may have a hearing loss is the first step of knowing you may need a hearing test. Signs you should undergo a hearing test:

  • You are unable to hear well in noisy places.
  • You frequently crank up the volume of television and radio.
  • Family and friends have to call you multiple times.
  • You miss out on the surrounding sounds - like birds chirping.
  • Unable to hear on the phone.
  • Ringing in your ears.

What level of hearing loss requires a hearing aid?

For moderate to severe hearing loss, one cannot hear sounds quieter than 55-70 dB; even the sound of a nearby washing machine may sound muffled. A hearing aid is one of the treatment options in such cases.


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