Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Treatment & Diagnostics in Tardeo, Mumbai
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
- Reconstructive surgeries are pretty common and are gaining more popularity with each passing day. They help people improve appearance and functionality by fixing congenital disabilities or injuries.
Many types of reconstructive surgeries can deal with various parts of your body.
What are Reconstructive Surgeries?
Plastic surgeries can be of two types: they can be reconstructive or cosmetic. The former focuses on the alteration of one's appearance to correct defects. There are many types of reconstructive surgeries.
Breast reconstruction, breast reduction, jaw straightening, limb salvage, and cleft repair are some methods to reconstruct parts having a defect.
Why Would You Need Reconstructive Surgeries?
The goal of reconstructive surgeries is to improve the functionality of the body. You may also go for them to improve appearance and self-esteem.
Reconstructive surgeries have long-lasting effects, so it becomes necessary for us to understand what we expect from them and talk about it with the doctor. It is also essential to realize why you want the surgery.
Who are Good Candidates For Reconstructive Surgeries
People with deformities or disabilities are generally considered suitable candidates for reconstructive surgeries.
When to See a Doctor?
If you think that the defects in your body are making everyday work difficult for you, you may consider consulting a surgeon.
One needs to think about reconstructive surgery and its consequences thoroughly. If you have understood everything and feel that you are a suitable candidate for reconstructive surgery, you may consider consulting a surgeon.
Request an appointment at Apollo Hospitals, Chembur, Mumbai.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What Are Some Possible Complications of Reconstructive Surgeries?
Reconstructive surgeries, like any other surgeries, carry risks. Here are some of them:
- Anesthesia complications
- Infection at the site of the incision
- Abnormal scarring
- Numbness and tingling due to damage in nerves
- Mild bleeding
- Separation of the wound which may need another procedure
- Blood clots
- Fatigue
- Healing problems
How Can You Prepare for Reconstructive Surgeries?
The doctor will take an extensive report of your medical history. They will use it to understand your case clearly. They will also discuss the medications you are currently taking and what you can expect after the procedure. Once they know everything, they will suggest the most suitable surgery.
Unlike cosmetic surgeries, most insurance plans cover reconstructive surgery. But it is best to talk to the doctor about it before going for the surgery.
What Are Some Treatment Options?
Here are some common types of reconstructive surgeries:
- Breast Reduction
It is a procedure that removes extra fat or tissues from the breasts. You may opt for it if you face discomforts like chronic neck and back pain. Many opt for it to make their breasts more proportionate with their body.
- Facelift
People who want to look younger can opt for a facelift. It reduces the sagging of skin and reduces wrinkles. Some people couple it with a neck lift to reduce sagging in the neck.
- Limb Lengthening
It is a process that lengthens or straightens the bones of the limbs for better mobility. In the process, doctors treat birth issues that disrupt bone growth and cause differences in limb length.
- Cleft Palate Repair
The cleft palate is the opening in the roof of the mouth that can cause difficulty in speaking, eating, and swallowing. The surgery aims at improving one’s ability to eat and carry out other specific activities.
- Scar Revision
It alters the appearance of a scar. The process can improve keloid scars, scar tissue removal, hypertrophic scars, and contractures.
With advances in technology and more acceptance, different reconstructive surgeries are becoming popular. More and more people can benefit from them by changing their appearance.
But before jumping into reconstructive surgeries, we must have a conversation with our doctors to understand them. You may also consider looking into the different aspects of recovery.
Cosmetic surgery helps to improve appearance. They are usually not covered by insurance. But reconstructive surgery enhances functionality. Most insurance plans cover them.
Reconstructive surgeries are usually safe for the majority of people. But like any other procedure, they do carry some risks.
Almost all reconstructive surgeries have long-lasting or lifelong effects.
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