Gynecology Cancer Treatment & Diagnostics in Tardeo, Mumbai
Gynecology Cancer
Any cancer that starts in the reproductive organs of women comes under gynecological cancer. There are different types of gynecological cancer.
Depending on the organ it affects, symptoms of gynecological cancer can be moderate or severe. But many treatment options can help patients.
What do we need to know about gynecological cancer?
Gynecological cancer includes cancer in the ovaries, vagina, cervix, uterus and vulva. Each is distinct from the other and has different symptoms, causes and treatment options.
There are a few risk factors that can increase the possibility of getting gynecological cancer. But early diagnosis can treat these cancers effectively.
To seek treatment, you can visit a gynecology hospital in Mumbai. Or you can search online for a gynecology doctor near me.
What are the types of gynecological cancer?
Here are the different types of gynecological cancer:
- Vaginal Cancer: It generally occurs in the cells that line the vagina.
- Cervical Cancer: It occurs in the cells of the lowermost part of the uterus (cervix).
- Ovarian Cancer: It occurs in the ovaries and often goes unnoticed until it reaches an advanced stage.
- Uterine Cancer: It occurs in the cells lining the uterus (a pelvic organ where fetal development occurs).
What are the symptoms of gynecological cancer?
- Vaginal Cancer: Painful and frequent urination, lump in the vagina and unusual vaginal bleeding
- Cervical Cancer: Vaginal bleeding after intercourse, pelvic pain during intercourse
- Ovarian Cancer: You may experience abdominal bloating, frequent urination, feeling full after eating a little, and change in bowel movement
- Uterine Cancer: Bleeding after menopause, bleeding between periods and pelvic pain
What are the causes of gynecological cancer?
Each gynecological cancer is different and has different causes. Here are some of them:
- Vaginal Cancer: It occurs when healthy cells undergo genetic mutation and turn into unhealthy cells.
- Cervical Cancer: It is unclear what causes it, but human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted infection, plays an integral role.
- Ovarian Cancer: The causes of it are unclear, but the mutation in the DNA of cells can cause a risk.
- Uterine Cancer: It occurs because of the abnormal growth of cells in the endometrium (the lining of the uterus).
When do you need to see a doctor?
If you see the symptoms mentioned above for any of the gynecological cancers, consult your doctor.
You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Tardeo, Mumbai.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are the risk factors?
Some factors can increase the risks of getting gynecological cancer:
- Vaginal Cancer: Older people are at a higher risk of getting vaginal cancer. Exposure to certain drugs for the prevention of miscarriage can also be a risk.
- Cervical Cancer: A weakened immune system, smoking, multiple sexual partners or sex at an early age can pose a risk.
- Ovarian Cancer: Age, genetics, family history and estrogen hormone replacement therapy can increase the chances of ovarian cancer.
- Uterine Cancer: Changes in the female hormones, more years of menstruation, age and obesity can increase the chances of uterine cancer.
What are the treatment options for gynecological cancer?
- Vaginal Cancer: Treatment can include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.
- Cervical Cancer: Your doctor may suggest targeted therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy.
- Ovarian Cancer: Your doctor may suggest surgery to remove one of the ovaries or both the ovaries and the uterus. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also helpful for some people.
- Uterine Cancer: Your doctor may suggest removing the uterus. He/she may remove the fallopian tubes and the ovaries as well. Radiation therapy can help. Hormone therapy and palliative care can also work for some people.
Every gynecological cancer has different symptoms and causes. It can be daunting to some, but paying attention to any changes in your body may be helpful. An early diagnosis can help your doctor treat gynecological cancer effectively.
You can consider the following to reduce the chances of getting gynecological cancer:
- HPV vaccine: This vaccine is recommended for everyone in the pre-teen years. But women above the age of 27 should get it only after talking to their doctors.
- Recognize warning signs: Early diagnosis can help. Consult your doctor immediately if you think you are at risk of getting gynecological cancer.
- Pap test
- HPV test
- Screening test
Many conditions can affect your reproductive organs. But not all of them are significant. For example, polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) affects your menstrual cycle. But it is not cancerous.
Doctors suggest trying for a baby after a few months of treatment of cervical cancer. Trying before that period can increase the chances of infertility and miscarriages. But you may consider talking to your doctor about the matter.
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