Health Checkup Packages in Tardeo, Mumbai
Health checkups should be part of a regular routine for every person, irrespective of age, gender and physical conditions. For a young and healthy person, an annual full-body checkup is sufficient to detect any disease or abnormality in his/her health. Elderly men and women should undergo health checkups every three months or so, as per the suggestions of their doctors. So, search online for a general medicine doctor near me who can advise you properly about health checkups.
What do we need to know about a health checkup?
The nature of a general health checkup depends on the age, health condition and existence of risk factors in a patient. Initially, the height and weight of the patient are measured to calculate his/her Body Mass Index (BMI). Then the blood pressure of the patient is measured to get a better idea about the health condition of the patient. A little amount of blood is drawn to check the levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. Further diagnostic tests are conducted in general medicine hospitals in Mumbai, as per the medical history and current health condition of the patient.
What are the types of diagnostic tests done for health checkups?
- Blood sugar tests, in fasting and PP
- Lipid profile test
- Thyroid function tests for T3, T4 and TSH
- Kidney function tests for uric acid, urea and creatinine in blood
- ECG, echocardiography and chest x-ray for a heart checkup
- Ultrasonography of the abdominal and pelvic regions
- Pulmonary tests for checking lung functions
- Hepatitis B test
- Liver function tests for bilirubin, SGPT, and SGOT
- The fat percentage of the entire body
- Coronary angiography
- Mammography and pap smear test for women
- Vision tests
- BMD or Bone Mineral Densitometry
- Testing carotid blood vessels in the neck region
- Calcium scoring test of bones
Why is a regular health checkup necessary?
- An annual health checkup is essential to see if the body is fit enough for performing all necessary functions.
- Regular health checkup is recommended for everyone above the age of 35 years to maintain general fitness.
- If a patient has a family history of any severe illness, like cerebral stroke, heart or kidney problems, frequent checkups are mandatory.
- A person following an unhealthy or hectic daily routine needs to undergo a health checkup conducted by general medicine doctors in Tardeo.
- Patients suffering from chronic ailments like asthma, diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, migraine, high cholesterol and depression also need frequent health checkups.
- Women over the age of 45 should undergo a mammogram at least once in two years to minimize the risk of breast cancer.
- Old people over the age of 65 should undergo a bone density test at least once a year - mainly those who have a history of broken bones or are suffering from arthritis.
- Overweight people, even children, need more frequent health checkups, as obesity may give rise to many other ailments.
When do you need to see a doctor?
If you have any of the reasons listed above for a health checkup, do visit a doctor.
You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Tardeo, Mumbai.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are the risk factors associated with a general health checkup?
Normally, simple clinical tests do not pose any risks. However, make it a point to visit reputed clinics or hospitals for health checkups to make sure that you get the most accurate test results. You can consult general medicine doctors in Mumbai
A health checkup is a must for every adult. One can avoid many health hazards by undergoing these checkups conducted in general medicine hospitals in Tardeo
A health checkup is extremely urgent for everyone, to make sure that you are not suffering from any serious ailment that needs urgent treatment.
Normally, a general health checkup is not too costly. Doctors only check the medical record of a patient and his/her current health condition through some simple clinical tests. Doctors recommend expensive tests only if they find something wrong with the patient’s health.
Family history, patient’s past medical record and his/her current problems may encourage a doctor to ask for a few necessary blood tests to be conducted.
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