Reconstructive Plastic Surgery in Koramangala, Bangalore
The words, “plastic surgery”, come from the Greek word “plastikos”, which means “to form or mold”. The medical community can divide the field of plastic surgery into two categories - reconstructive and cosmetic procedures. They consider all plastic surgery subspecialties. Reconstructive plastic surgery aims to enhance body function and improve appearance.
You can consult plastic surgery doctors in Bangalore or you can visit plastic surgery hospitals in Bangalore as well.
What do we need to know about reconstructive plastic surgery?
Reconstructive plastic surgery not only addresses but also rectifies body abnormalities caused by birth defects, injury, disease or aging. Surgeons perform reconstructive surgery. Reconstructive plastic surgery always treats areas of the body affected by infection, cancer, illness, congenital defects, developmental abnormalities or trauma, while cosmetic plastic surgery improves or reshapes parts of the body. Certain doctors perform cosmetic surgery to enhance overall appearance by reshaping and adjusting normal anatomy to make it more appealing. Cosmetic surgery treatments include breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction, abdominoplasty and facelift.
What are the types of reconstructive surgery?
Plastic surgery is the umbrella term for reconstructive and cosmetic procedures. Reconstructive surgery is plastic surgery. Reconstructive surgery deals with many surgical procedures like breast reconstruction and reduction, limb salvage, facial reconstruction, jaw straightening, hand procedures, cleft lip and palate repair, craniosynostosis surgery, lymphedema treatment. This is just a small selection of the procedures. It addresses a wide range of complications caused by trauma, cancer and so on.
What causes abnormal structures of the body?
Major and minor Injuries, infections, developmental abnormalities, birth defects, various diseases and tumors are the principal causes of abnormal structures.
To seek treatment, you can visit plastic surgery hospitals in Koramangala as well.
When do you need to see a doctor?
People with birth defects or deformities can benefit from reconstructive plastic surgery.
You can request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Koramangala, Bangalore.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are the risk factors?
Any surgery entails some level of risk. Some risks associated with reconstructive plastic surgery include infection, excessive bleeding, bruising, difficulty in wound healing, anesthesia and surgery problems, depending on the type of surgery you have and your overall health. However, smoking, connective-tissue damage or skin damage from radiation therapy, decreased blood flow at the surgery site, weak immune system, poor nutritional habits and HIV positivity can increase your risk.
Reconstructive surgery is a type of surgery that helps in addressing body deformities caused by injury, disease or birth defect. Additionally, reconstructive plastic surgery can improve your self-esteem.
Your doctor, who will examine your medical history, will evaluate every situation. If you have traumatic burns or a history of cancer, your surgeon will determine the best course of action.
Nausea, vomiting, headaches and prolonged pain are the most common side effects of plastic surgery. Inflammation can also develop around the surgical procedure site. Extensive blood loss shows that something went wrong during surgery.
Using tissues from one part of your body to repair another is common in reconstructive surgery. Head and neck surgery, for example, may alter the shape of your jawbone. As a result, your surgeon may need to remove bone from your leg to repair your jaw.
Ibuprofen, aspirin and any other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that can cause bleeding should be avoided 10 days before surgery.
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