Prostate Cancer Treatment in Koramangala, Bangalore
Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the prostate gland in men. It is a small gland that produces the seminal fluid which is essential for the nourishment and transport of sperms. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer across the world. You should seek prostate cancer treatment in Bangalore as early as possible.
What are the basic things we should know about prostate cancer?
In some cases, this cancer may be restricted to only the prostate gland while in other cases, it may metastasize, which means it can spread throughout the body. Either way, early detection of prostate cancer is essential for successful treatment.
What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?
At its early stages, prostate cancer has no signs or symptoms. At its more advanced stages, prostate cancer has the following symptoms:
- Blood in the urine
- Blood in semen
- Difficulty in urination
- Decreased force in the stream of urination
- Loss of weight, unexplained
- Erectile dysfunction
If symptoms persist, you should refer to a prostate cancer specialist in Koramangala at the earliest.
So, what exactly causes prostate cancer?
Researchers and scientists have not been able to find out what exactly causes prostate cancer. To understand at a basic level, the prostate gland is made up of cells, just like all other glands in the body. When there are changes in the DNA of the normal prostate cells, they become cancerous.
- There are certain genes that help cells with their nutrition and living, and these genes are called oncogenes.
- There are other genes called tumor suppressor genes. Their responsibility is to keep the growth of cells under control and repair any mistakes that may have been made in the DNA replication process.
Cancer occurs in any organ when DNA mutation or any other kind of change keeps the oncogenes switched on and turns off the tumor suppressor genes. The cell growth then spirals out of control.
The changes in the DNA can either be inherited or it can be acquired during a person’s lifetime.
When should you see your doctor?
If you notice the symptoms, you should consult your nearest healthcare provider.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Koramangala, Bangalore.
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.
What are the potential risk factors that may lead to prostate cancer?
There are multiple factors that increase the possibility of having prostate cancer. They are include:
- Old age:People who are above the age of 50 are at a risk of prostate cancer, hence they should regularly show up for their healthcare check-ups and volunteer for prostate examinations.
- Family history: If any of your blood relatives who may include parent, child or sibling has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, then the risk of getting prostate cancer increases significantly. Any family history that may be traced to genes like BRCA1 or BRCA2, which are known to significantly increase the risk of having breast cancer, can indicate the risk of prostate cancer.
- Obesity:There have been multiple studies that suggest or establish a link between obesity and advanced stages of prostate cancer. Although the results have been rather mixed, it is found that in obese people cancer may recur after the initial round of treatment has been performed.
What are some of the complications that may arise from prostate cancer?
- Metastasis: When prostate cancer is at its advanced stages, it can easily spread to multiple nearby organs like the urinary bladder.
- Erectile dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction can result from prostate cancer or even its treatment, including surgery, radiation or hormone treatments.
There have been multiple studies to understand prostate cancer. Prevention includes having a diet inclusive of fruits and vegetables, not just supplements. Apart from this, regular exercise is advised.
If you have a very high risk of prostate cancer, you and your doctor should consider taking medications to lower the risk of developing prostate cancer.
The treatment options include surgery or radiation therapy or a combination of both. Sometimes, if the cancer is caught at a very early stage, no surgery or radiation therapy may be required.
Prostate cancer and its treatment can have an effect on fertility in multiple ways. Banking the sperms in sperm banks or considering artificial insemination are a few options if surgery is involved in the treatment of prostate cancer.
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