Lumpectomy Surgery in Koramangala, Bangalore
Lumpectomy is a type of breast surgery performed to remove cancerous tissue from the breast. During this procedure, only abnormal tissues are removed rather than the entire breast. It is a less invasive type of surgery used to treat breast cancer.
Lumpectomy lets you keep most of your breast. However, factors such as the size of the tumor or cancerous cells and your breast size determine how much breast is removed. Your doctor may recommend lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy (removal of the entire breast) if the cancerous tumor is small and only a part of the breast is diseased.
Why is Lumpectomy done?
Lumpectomy aims to get rid of cancer with minimal effect on the breast’s shape and size. According to medical research, lumpectomy combined with radiation therapy is as effective as mastectomy in early-stage breast cancer treatment.
What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?
Some of the symptoms of breast cancer are:
- An unusual lump in your breast.
- Sudden change in your breast’s shape and size.
- Inverted nipple.
- Scaling, crusting, flaking around the nipple.
- Pitting or orange peel-like appearance of your breast.
- Rashes.
What Are the Causes of Breast Cancer?
Some of the causes of breast cancer are:
- Inherited mutated genes
- Family history
When to See a doctor?
Talk to your doctor if you notice a lump or any unusual changes in your breasts.
Request an appointment at Apollo Hospitals
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment
Preparing for Lumpectomy
Before the operation, your doctor will brief you about the procedure. If you are under medication for some other condition, let your doctor know. The surgery is an outpatient procedure, so you don’t have to worry about staying in the hospital.
Your doctor may recommend the following before the procedure:
- Do not take aspirin or any blood-thinning medicine before the operation.
- Do not drink or eat at least 8 to 12 hours before the surgery.
Your doctor will give you anesthesia before the surgery so that you do not feel any pain. Your doctor will then remove the cancerous tumor and the surrounding tissues. After that, the incision is stitched. The procedure takes no more than an hour.
Your doctor will closely monitor your vital stats like blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate after the surgery. You will be discharged after a few hours if everything seems fine.
What Happens After a Lumpectomy procedure?
Your doctor may prescribe medication for pain while you recover. The dressing over the incision is usually removed in your first follow-up visit after the surgery. Your arm may be prone to muscle stiffness after the surgery. To avoid that, your doctor will most likely recommend a few exercises. For a faster recovery, you should:
- Rest adequately.
- Take sponge baths until the incision heals.
- Wear a bra that is comfortable and supportive.
- Exercise your arm to avoid stiffness.
When is a Lumpectomy not Recommended?
In some cases, your doctor may not recommend lumpectomy as a treatment option for breast cancer. Some reasons are:
- Two or more separate tumors in different areas of the breast that may require multiple incisions.
- Previous radiation treatment that may make further treatment risky.
- Small breasts with large tumors.
- Inflammatory disease like systemic lupus erythematosus that may worsen during radiation therapy.
- Skin disease like scleroderma that may make recovery a challenge.
What Are the Risks and Complications Associated With Lumpectomy?
Lumpectomy carries some inherent risks. Some of them are:
- An aching or sore breast or a feeling of "tugging".
- Temporary swelling.
- Dimple formation in the site where the operation is done.
- Infection.
- Change in the breast's shape, size, and appearance. After the surgery, your breasts may vary considerably in size.
Lumpectomy is not a major surgery like a mastectomy. However, not all women qualify for the procedure. Your doctor will advise you on the type of surgery you should undergo based on the tumor’s size and cancer’s stage.
Despite going through a lumpectomy and radiation therapy, your cancer may still relapse. However, recurrence in the same breast can be successfully treated with mastectomy.
The survival rate is very high, even after 20 years of initial recurrence and treatment.
Lumpectomy is also known as breast-conserving surgery because it helps women avoid the distress of losing their breast to cancer.
Not at all. Since the procedure is done under anesthesia, you will feel no pain during the operation.
No. According to research, skipping radiation after lumpectomy can increase the chances of recurrence of cancer cells. So your doctor will advise you against it.
The success rate of lumpectomy is promising. Combined with radiation therapy, the survival rate for breast cancer patients is 94% after ten years of initial diagnosis.
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