Emergency Care in Koramangala, Bangalore
In most situations, your doctor's office is your first preference for help. But if your condition appears serious or if your doctor's office is closed, being aware of where to go will get you the best level of care in the shortest time.
Urgent care hospitals treat a wide variety of illnesses and accidents and are a safe choice when you need same-day care outside of regular working hours or when a regular doctor cannot treat your illness.
With severe medical issues, time counts. The fastest way to locate the nearest urgent care hospital is to turn ON the phone GPS and google "urgent care near me."
What is Urgent Care?
Urgent care is best for non-life-threatening conditions, which are still emergencies and require care under 24 hours. It is quick, reliable, and less expensive compared to emergency care/ER. It is also a great resource when you cannot get into your doctor's office for that nagging cough or sore throat.
At an urgent care center, a physician (mostly MD or DO) can address most minor ailments, accidents, or illnesses like sprains, cuts, animal bites, falls, breaks onsite to ensure that your elbow isn't broken or that cough is not pneumonia.
What are the Symptoms?
Go for urgent care if you observe the following symptoms:
- Allergic reactions like hives and itching
- Allergic skin rash like poison ivy
- Coughing
- Painful urination
- Nausea
- Life-threatening dehydration
- Headache, fever, and nasal congestion
What Results in an Emergency?
Some example of emergency or acute symptoms that may need urgent care include situations like:
- Minor illnesses (cough, flu, sinus infection, or sore throat).
- Broken bones, no deformity.
- Headaches that are not typical for you.
- Sore lower back.
- Stung by a bee, but you do not have a bee allergy.
- Urinary tract infection because of similar symptoms in the past.
- Minor burns or cuts that have not healed.
- Swollen ankle from slipping and falling on a rug.
When to See a Doctor?
When the symptoms of previous injuries flare up, or a patient has a minor illness that does not appear life-threatening but cannot wait until the next day, he/she should book an appointment at the urgent care hospital in Bangalore.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals
Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment
Remember, urgent care is not emergency care if the patient is in a serious life-threatening situation. In such cases, do not wait. Please call 101 right away for immediate help.
What is the Treatment Given?
At an urgent care center, your first medical examination will be carried out by a licensed nurse at the bedside. During this time, it is important to explain your problem clearly to your nurse to help her precisely assess the situation and the next step.
Assessment process:
- List medications: If possible, prepare a list of your daily medicines in advance. This will significantly improve the time required to complete the assessment before the treatment is given.
- Brief medical history: Medical history tells a lot about you. If you have any pre-diagnosed disease, let them know. This will help your healthcare provider adjust your treatment accordingly.
- Check vital signs: Your vital signs are essential to help carry out the assessment as it tells a lot about your current health status.
There are various routine services available for patients. These services can include many preventive or diagnostic tests that help diagnose and determine the illness, cause of illness, and its future course.
Urgent care is convenient and usually within your budget compared to emergency care. Make sure you understand for which medical situation you should select them. Being aware of the medical problems that urgent care centers can or cannot treat can give you a better idea of where to go for medical treatment in an extreme emergency.
From X-ray technicians, nurse practitioners to physician assistants, a team of skilled professionals are available on standby at any urgent care center. Usually, the general physician (MD or DO) directs the care provided to the patient. Depending on your medical needs, you will be provided care by one of these health practitioners.
Most medical conditions, but not true emergencies, can be dealt with by an urgent care center right away. You should go to emergency care if you have a life-threatening condition. The unique feature of urgent care is that you may be treated by the same ER doctors you see at your local hospital. Also, urgent care is typically a fraction of the cost of an EC visit.
The length of your stay at an urgent care center differs based on your medical needs. The wait time will also depend on the number of patients and the severity of injuries, illnesses, or cases that come in on a given day. Usually, on average, a waiting period of 30 minutes to 1 hour should be considered before visiting.
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