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Cyst Treatment in Koramangala, Bangalore

Cysts in humans are sac or capsule-like structures that can form inside or outside the body. They might or might not contain fluid or semisolid material. Cysts can develop in any part of the body and can vary in size.

What are Cysts?

Gynecological cysts are very common, and their severity is based on the location they occur in. Common gynecological cysts include breast cysts, ovarian cysts, vaginal cysts, endometrial cysts (endometriosis), corpus luteum cysts, and follicular cysts. Always consult a cysts specialist near you in case of any suspicion of any gynecological cysts.

What are the Types of Cysts Occurring in Women?

The size and place where cysts occur determine the severity of the condition. Some common types of cysts in women are as follows:

Vaginal cysts: Vaginal cysts form under or on the linings of the vagina. These are common in women who gave birth recently and can be caused due to a fluid buildup or benign tumor. During sexual activities or insertion of a tampon, pain can alleviate and cause increased infection.

Endometrial cysts: The reason behind the occurrence of endometrial cysts is not known. These occur when the endometrial tissues start growing in regions other than fallopian tubes, bladder, etc., and reach up to ovaries.

Ovarian cysts: These cysts are the most common and filled with solid or fluid contents. These are common in women between the age of 15-44, most common in pregnant women. Ovarian cysts are often benign and painless, but in rare cases, the cysts' size increases, which causes pain and becomes cancerous.

What are the Symptoms of Cysts in Women?

Most cysts are asymptomatic and can only be noticed when they start affecting the body's normal functioning.

  • Symptoms of vaginal cysts are pain during sex or insertion of a tampon, itching, discomfort, and pain.
  • Symptoms of endometrial cysts are heavy bleeding, pain, and pressure in the abdominal region.
  • Symptoms of ovarian cysts are pains in the abdominal region, severe pain leading to fever, vomiting, breathlessness, weakness, and dizziness.

What are the Causes of Cysts in Women?

There are no defined causes of cysts. However, some are due to dysfunctionalities in the menstrual cycle. Certain fertility drugs, contraceptive pills, and lifestyle changes might also cause abnormalities in the menstrual cycle. Any interference in the regular monthly cycle in women causes cyst formation.

When Should You Consult a Doctor?

You should immediately call a doctor in the following cases:

  • Intolerable-recurring pain in the abdomen
  • If you see lumps in the vagina
  • If your menstrual cycle is irregular

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What are the Risk Factors Associated with Cysts?

If the patient has already had cysts before, she is highly susceptible to other cysts. The following risk factors are noticed in most cysts that occur in women:

  • Endometriosis: When tissues growing in the endometrial region reach the ovary, they can cause ovarian cysts.
  • Pelvic infections: Only when the infection reaches the ovaries can it cause cysts in the ovaries.
  • Pregnancy: Cysts formed during pregnancy can stay on the ovaries and cause problems afterward.
  • Hormones: Certain fertility pills increase the chances of cyst formation.

What are the Complications with Cysts?

  • Difficulties in getting pregnant
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Ovarian twisting
  • Pelvic infections or pelvic pain
  • Rupture of ovarian cysts leading to pain
  • Dysfunctional ovaries

What are the Treatments for Cysts in Women?

Medicines: Birth control pills or GnRH agonists and antibiotics are prescribed by doctors to cure the symptoms and not the cysts. Instead, it prevents the formation of more cysts.

Surgery: Doctors suggest surgery only after judging the risk and evaluating the consequences. However, surgeries are the best ways to remove cysts.

For any consultation, you can always search "cyst hospitals near me" or "cysts specialists near me" to find appropriate doctors and reach up to them.


Gynecological cysts are sacs caused inside or outside the reproductive body of a woman. These are often harmless, asymptomatic, and small. However, these can be cancerous, painful, and as big as 8 inches in rare cases. Symptoms can be cured with medicines, but surgeries are required to remove cysts from the body.





Does ovarian cyst cause PCOS?

Ovarian cysts are the consequence of PCOS.

Can multiple cysts occur in your body at the same time?

Yes, multiple cysts can occur on or inside the body. Polycystic ovary disorder is one such example where numerous cysts develop on ovaries.

Can cysts be completely cured?

Permanent treatments are not always possible. Surgeries remove cysts, but they have high chances of forming again.


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