Haemorrhoids Treatment & Surgery in Kondapur, Hyderabad
Haemorrhoids in the common language are known as piles. When there is swelling in veins in the lower part of your genital area i.e., the rectum and the anus. This condition usually causes pain and bleeding from the rectum and the anus leading to discomfort.
It is a common condition and is seen mostly in women after a few weeks of postpartum. Every year almost one crore cases are diagnosed by doctors in India.
What are the symptoms of Haemorrhoids?
Several causes are leading to Haemorrhoids in almost every three out of four adults. This condition is caused mostly in women during pregnancy and after a few weeks of postpartum. It is also caused due to the straining during the bowel movements or due to obesity.
There are three types of Haemorrhoids depending upon the symptoms;
- External Haemorrhoids
This type of Haemorrhoids affects the skin under the anus. If you suffer from this type of Hemorrhoids, some of the common symptoms include: -
- Bleeding from the anal opening
- Itching and even irritation in the anal region
- Swelling also occur around the anus
- You can also feel discomfort and even pain near your anus
- Internal Haemorrhoids
This type of Haemorrhoids affects the rectum. You cannot see or feel the swelling or problem by examining the anal region. Internal haemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and don’t cause discomfort in many cases.
This type of haemorrhoids can cause symptoms that include: -
- Irritating sensation while passing out the stool
- A small amount of painless bleeding during bowel movement
- Pain when the protruding haemorrhoid is being pushed towards the anal opening
- Thrombosed Haemorrhoids
This type of haemorrhoids occurs in worse conditions when the blood pools and forms a clot in the case of External Hemorrhoids.
This type of haemorrhoid causes symptoms that include: -
- Swelling near the anal opening
- Severe pain due to the formed clot
- Formation of hard lump near the opening of the anal passage
What are the causes of Haemorrhoids?
You suffer from haemorrhoids due to swelling in the rectum or the anus veins. This swelling is due to the extra pressure that develops on the veins of the rectum due to several reasons that include: -
- Straining due to bowel movements
- Obesity
- Lifting heavy weight regularly
- Having a low-fibre diet
- Due to anal intercourse
- During pregnancy or after few weeks of postpartum
- Persistent diarrhoea or constipation
- Sitting on toilet seats for a longer period
When you suffer from bleeding and irritation near the anal opening or even inflammation near the lower pelvic area, you are advised to visit your doctor for a proper check-up and treatment.
What are the prevention methods for haemorrhoids?
Haemorrhoid is a curable condition when treated at an early stage with the proper diagnosis. You can take necessary precautions and precautions to avoid yourself from suffering from this disease.
Common prevention methods that you can follow include: -
- Drinking a good amount of liquids, especially water. A good amount of fluids in the body help nerves and veins to work properly without ingesting pressure. Water helps the waste to excrete from your body easily without hardening.
- Having a fibre-rich diet. Adding fibre to your diet is very crucial for the easy expulsion of stool from your body. Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are fibre-rich foods. The fibre in your diet helps the stool to soften and also avoids straining that causes haemorrhoids.
- Avoid straining or holding your breath. Holding your breath or straining while trying to pass your stool can cause pressure on the veins resulting in haemorrhoids.
- Avoid sitting for a long period. Working while sitting for long periods can cause pressure on lower pelvic veins and muscles that can lead to haemorrhoids.
- Stay active and exercise regularly. Staying active can avoid constipation and your muscles will remain active that can avoid the chances for haemorrhoids to occur near your pelvic regions.
Haemorrhoids are a curable condition where when taken care of, can be cured within a few weeks. It is a very common condition through which almost every adult suffers.
There are some precautionary steps that you should follow to prevent haemorrhoids. Having a proper fibre-rich diet is very important to keep your digestive system active and healthy. It avoids the chances of you suffering from haemorrhoids.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Kondapur
Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment
Haemorrhoid is a very common condition that occurs when there is a stretch or strain in the lower pelvic veins and muscles. If you take precautionary steps like having a fibre-rich diet or drinking as much water as you can, it may not occur in your lower rectum region.
Gastroenterologists are specialized doctors that diagnose and treat medical conditions related to the digestive system. If you are facing pain and bleeding from your anal opening, it is advised to visit the doctor as soon as possible to have proper treatment.
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