IOL Surgery in Kondapur, Hyderabad
Surgery performed in order to correct one’s vision refers to an IOL Surgery or Intraocular Lens Implant.
What Is IOL Surgery?
The term ‘IOL’ stands for ‘intraocular lens’ which are medical devices that are implanted inside the eyes in order to correct vision or to replace the eye’s natural lens basically during cataract surgery.
Hence, an IOL implant or surgery is an artificial replacement of the eye’s natural lens, and it is a part of the surgery to fix a cataract, which is a condition where the normally clear lens of your eyes get clouded.
When Is An IOL Surgery Recommended or Needed?
If you witness any of the following signs or symptoms:
- Cloudy, foggy or blurry vision
- Sensitivity to light like the sun, lamps etc.
- Difficulty in driving at night
- Double vision
- Vision loss
- Seeing a halo around lights
Then you should seek medical attention and schedule your appointment with a healthcare professional at the earliest, as they might ask you to go through some eye examinations and may review your medical history, in order to let you know if you must go through an IOL Implant or Surgery which is a part of the cataract surgery.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Kondapur
Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment.
How Is IOL Surgery Performed?
As you grow older, the proteins change and parts of your natural eye lens start turning cloudy, this is known as ‘cataract’, after which you might have to go through a Cataract Surgery, under the recommendation of your doctor, so that the cataract does not affect your daily life and activities, the IOL implant or Surgery is a part of the cataract surgery.
An IOL i.e. Intraocular lens implant or surgery includes the implantation of the IOL, which is an artificial device that is made up of clear plastic, in order to replace the natural eye lens and to correct your vision. There are several different types of IOL, few are namely:
- Monofocal IOL: This implant stays focused at one fixed distance, unlike the natural lens that can stretch or bend to help your eyes focus and you might be able to see things at a distance but might need glasses to read or see close up. This is the most common kind.
- Multifocal IOL: This lens has areas that help you see things at different distances. However, it might take several months for your brain to adapt to the changes so your vision seems normal.
- Accommodating IOL: This flexible kind acts almost like your natural lens and focuses at more than one distance.
During the surgery, the surgeon will numb your eyes and may make incisions through your cornea to get to your natural eye lens, which he will then break into small pieces and start removing it bit by bit, which he will then replace with the artificial lens.
How Do You Prepare For an IOL Surgery?
There are certain things to keep in mind before an IOL implant or surgery, which you will of course be provided by your doctor. However, some important points may include:
- You must tell your doctor at Apollo Kondapur if you:
- Are allergic to certain medications, for instance, anaesthesia
- Are taking any kind of medications
- You may not be allowed to take aspirin, or any product containing aspirin, for about a week prior to the surgery
- You may be given certain medicated eye drops to use, few days prior to the surgery
- You may also be asked to stop using any form of contact lenses, several days before the surgery
- You should arrange a family member or friend, who can help you drive home after you have been discharged
What Are The Complications and Risks Of an IOL Surgery?
IOL implant or Surgery is a fairly safe surgery with minor complications. However, some possible complications of an IOL implant or Surgery may include:
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Redness
- Swelling
Other more serious risks may include:
- A detached retina
- Vision loss
- Dislocation
- After-cataract
What Happens After an IOL Surgery?
Experiencing bleeding, redness, infections or swelling is normal and is expected to fade away with time. It might take approximately eight to twelve weeks for you to heal completely.
During the healing process, you must make sure to keep your eye protected with sunglasses as much as possible, sleep with your eye shield at night, you must not rub or press your eyes even if it is itchy, you must make sure to take the medicated eye drops prescribed by your doctor and avoid strenuous activities.
What Is The Recovery Time For an IOL Surgery?
It might approximately take six to twelve weeks for you to fully recover, however, everyone has their own healing time spans, hence you must be in continuous touch with your doctor and keep consulting them so they guide you through what is normal and what isn’t.
When Should You Seek For Medical Help After an IOL Surgery?
Inflammation, droopy eyes, redness, swelling etc. are some common after-effects of the IOL implant or Surgery. However, if you witness any of the following signs and symptoms:
- Excessive bleeding
- A detached retina (which is a Medical Emergency)
- Vision loss
- Dislocation
- After-cataract
then you must notify your doctor, in order for them to take further action.
An IOL Surgery or implant is a part of Cataract Surgery and is intended for people who suffer from cataracts, i.e. cloudy, blurry vision etc. and is a fairly safe surgery, however, as with all surgeries, might have few complications and risks here and there.
No, vision loss from a cataract is not permanent because during cataract surgery, your surgeon will remove the natural lens and replace it with an artificial one, and this lens is what allows you to have clear vision after cataract surgery.
You may start developing cataracts in your forties or fifties without realizing, as cataracts are very common as a result of ageing.
It is the artificial lens that replaces your natural lens, to correct your vision.
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