Colon Cancer Treatment in Kondapur, Hyderabad
When tumour development starts in the large intestine, Colon Cancer develops. It usually affects elderly individuals but may occur at any age. It starts with the formation of tiny, (benign) clusters of polyps in the inside of the colon. Some polyps may develop colon malignancies over time.
- Polyps can be tiny and have little or no symptoms if any. That is why doctors are recommending periodic testing of colon cancer prevention, including the identification and removal of polyps before becoming cancer.
- If Colon Cancer develops, numerous therapies, including surgery, radiation therapy, and medication treatments, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy, will be available to help manage it.
- Colon Cancer is often referred to as Colorectal Cancer, which is a phrase used to unite colon and rectal cancer that starts in the recto.
What types of symptoms are there?
Colon cancer signs and symptoms are:
- A continuing change in your bowel habits, including diarrhoea or constipation or a change in your stool consistency
- Blood in your faeces or rectal bleeding
- Permanent abdominal malaise such as cramps, gas or pain
- A sense that your intestine is not empty
- Fatigue or weakness
- Explanatory loss of weight
- In the early stages of the illness, many individuals with colon cancer have no symptoms. If symptoms occur, they will probably differ based on your large intestine's size and location.
When should a doctor be consulted?
Make a meeting with your doctor if you discover recurring symptoms that worry you.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Kondapur
Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment
Talk to your doctor at Apollo Kondapur about when to start screening for colon cancer. Guidelines usually suggest that tests for colon cancer start around 50 per cent. If there are additional risk factors, such as a family history of the illness, your doctor might prescribe a more frequent or earlier test.
What are Colon Cancer's causes?
Doctors aren't sure what causes most malignancies of the Colon.
- Colon Cancer often develops when healthy cells get alterations in their DNA in the colon (mutations). The DNA in a cell has a series of instructions telling a cell what to do.
Healthy cells split and grow orderly to maintain the workings of your body. However, cells still split — even when new cells are not needed — when DNA from cells is damaged and becomes malignant. They build up a tumour as cells build up.
Cancer cells may eventually infiltrate and kill normal tissue in the vicinity. And cancer cells may go to other regions of the body to make deposits (metastasis) there.
What are the Factors of Risk in Colon Cancer?
Colon Cancer factors that may raise your risk include:
- Early age: The majority of patients with colon cancer are older than 50, but Colon cancer can be detected at all ages. Colon cancer rates have been growing in persons younger than 50 years, but physicians do not know why.
- Bowel problems are inflammatory: Chronic colon inflammatory conditions, such as colitis ulceration and the illness of Crohn, might raise your risk of colon cancer.
- Colonic cancer family history: If you have a blood family who has had the illness, you are more likely to acquire colon cancer. If you have colon cancer or rectal cancer over a family member, your risk is higher.
- A sedentary way of living: Colon cancer is more common in those who are sedentary. Regular physical activity can decrease your colon cancer risk.
- Diabetes: Persons with diabetes or resistance to insulin are at an elevated risk for colon cancer.
- Obesity: Obese persons are at higher risk of colon cancer and are at greater risk of death compared with normal weight.
- Smoking: Smoking people might be more likely to get colon cancer.
- Alcohol: High alcohol use raises the chance of cancer of your colon.
- Cancer: radiation treatment. The risk of colon cancer is increased by radiation therapy directed at the abdomen for the treatment of past malignancies.
In colon cancer, how many phases are there?
A stage can be assigned to cancer in several ways. The stadiums show how far a malignancy has spread and how large a tumour has become.
The phases develop in colon cancer are as follows:
- Stage 0: Known also as carcinoma in situ, the cancer is in an early stage at this time. It has not developed beyond the inner layer of the colon and is often easy to process.
- Stage 1: Cancer has developed into the next tissue layer, but not into the lymphatic nodes or other organs.
- Stage 2: Cancer reached the colon's outer layers, but it did not expand beyond the colon.
- Stage 3: Cancer has grown in the colon's external layers and reaches one or three lymph node levels. However, it has not reached remote locations.
- Stage 4: Cancer extends beyond the wall of the colon into adjacent tissues. The colon cancer moves on to a distant region with phase 4.
How may Colon Cancer be Prevented?
- Colon cancer screening
Doctors advocate considering colon cancer screening at the age of 50 for those with an average risk of colon cannery. But those at greater risk should seek screening sooner, such as those in the family with a history of colon cancer.
There are several screening options - each with its advantages and disadvantages. Talk to your doctor about your choices and you may decide together which tests are suitable for you.
- Changes in lifestyle to lower your colon cancer risk
By adopting adjustments in your daily life, you can take efforts to minimise your chance of colon cancer. Take the following steps:
- Eat fruit, vegetables and healthy grains from many walks of life: Vitamins, minerals, fibres, and antioxidants are present in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain and may play a part in the prevention of cancer. Choose a range of fruits and vegetables to make a range of nutrients and vitamins available.
- Alcohol, if at all, to drink in moderation: Limit the amount of alcohol to one drink per day for females and two for males if you decide to drink alcohol.
- Stop cigarettes: Discuss strategies to stop that work for you with your physician.
- Most days of the week exercise: Try to practise on most days for a minimum of 30 minutes. Start cautiously and eventually start to build up to 30 minutes while you are idle. Talk to your doctor before you start a workout.
- Keep your weight healthy: If you are healthy, work by combining a balanced diet and daily exercise to maintain your weight. Ask your doctor about healthy strategies for achieving your goal if you have to reduce weight. To steadily reduce weight, increase the quantity of activity and reduce the number of calories you eat.
Prevention of colon cancer in persons at high risk
Some drugs have shown that the risk of precancerous polyps or colon cancer is reduced. For example, a lower incidence of polyps and colon cancer is associated with regular uses of aspirin or aspirin-like medicines. However, the dose and the duration required to lower the risk of colon cancer are not known. Aspirin carries some dangers every day, such as gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers.
The alternatives for patients with a high risk of colon cancer are usually restricted. There's not sufficient proof that persons with an average risk of colon cancer may suggest these medicines.
If the risk of colon cancer is raised,
Talk to your doctor about your risk factors for prevention medicine if you have an elevated chance of colon cancer.
When tumour development starts in the large intestine, Colon Cancer develops. It usually affects elderly individuals but may occur at any age.
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