Shoulder Replacement Surgery in Kondapur, Hyderabad
Shoulder replacement is a surgical procedure that involves removing damaged parts of the shoulder joint and replacing them with prosthetic components.
What is Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
Shoulder replacement is a surgical treatment that removes damaged elements of the shoulder joint and replaces them with artificial parts known as prostheses. This procedure is performed to enhance shoulder joint mobility and alleviate pain and discomfort.
Why is Shoulder Replacement Done?
Individuals who are experiencing joint pain and dysfunction should consider shoulder replacement surgery. Joint pain and disability can be caused by a variety of factors, including;
- Avascular necrosis – There is a temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the bone in this condition. This causes pain and damage to the shoulder joint.
- Rheumatoid arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis is a disorder in which the body’s immune system wrongly attacks the joints. This results in joint pain and inflammation.
- Osteoarthritis – One of the most frequent types of arthritis is osteoarthritis. It develops when the cartilage in the joints starts to wear away, causing bones to rub against each other.
- Rotator cuff tear arthropathy – This is a severe form of arthritis accompanied by a large rotator cuff tear. In this disorder, the rotator cuff tendons as well as the typical surface of the shoulder joint are permanently lost.
- Fracture – A serious fracture in your shoulder joint might occur as a result of an accident or a bad fall. This can cause damage to the shoulder joint.
When to See a Doctor?
If you experience these signs and symptoms, you should consult your doctor –
- Your shoulder has lost its range of motion.
- You are in such excruciating pain that you can’t sleep properly at night.
- Simple tasks such as taking a shower, reaching a cabinet or dressing up are difficult for you, due to severe shoulder pain.
- Your shoulder is weak.
- Non-surgical treatment options such as physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medicines and cortisone injections have all failed to provide relief.
- You have had fracture repair, arthroscopic surgery or rotator cuff repair in the past but they didn’t help.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Kondapur
Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment
How is Shoulder Replacement Surgery Done at Apollo Kondapur?
The patient is given either regional or general anaesthesia before shoulder replacement surgery. After that, the surgeon makes an incision and begins the procedure. The damaged portions of the shoulder joint are removed and replaced with a prosthesis, depending on the type of shoulder replacement procedure.
What Happens After Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
The patient is transferred to the recovery room for a few hours after shoulder replacement surgery. After that, the patient is transferred to their hospital room, where they will be required to stay for a few days. During the healing time, patients may have pain for which their doctor will prescribe medicine. Rehabilitation usually begins the same day or the next day after surgery.
Patients will need to wear a sling for 2 to 4 weeks after being discharged from the hospital. After the surgery, it will take around a month for patients to regain full arm function. Lifting heavy objects and pushing or dragging anything should be avoided. Within 2 to 6 weeks of surgery, a majority of patients can resume their normal activities.
What are the Complications Associated with Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
Complications after shoulder replacement surgery occur at a rate of 5%. However, there are a few risks that come with shoulder replacement surgery, such as ;
- Infections
- Damage to the nerves or blood vessels
- Anaesthesia reaction
- Replacement components dislocating or loosening
- Fracture
- Rotator cuff tear
After shoulder replacement surgery, most people have relief and discomfort from inflammation, as well as an enhanced range of motion. For patients who have shoulder joint pain, it is a safe and routine surgery.
There are four types of shoulder replacement surgeries, including –
- Hemiarthroplasty – Only the ball and stem are replaced in this procedure. The ball is attached to the stem, which articulates with your natural socket.
- Resurfacing Hemiarthroplasty – In this procedure, the humeral head’s joint surface is replaced with a prosthesis that is cap-like and doesn’t have a stem.
- Anatomic Total Shoulder Replacement – On the humeral side, a metal ball is affixed to a stem, and on the glenoid socket, a plastic cup is used, to replace the arthritic joint, in this procedure.
- Stemless Total Shoulder Arthroplasty – This procedure is a variant of total shoulder arthroplasty, to preserve bone. In this method, the metallic ball is joined to the upper arm without a stem.
- Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement – The joint is essentially reversed in this procedure, with a metal ball replacing the glenoid socket and a plastic cup linked to the stem and transferred to the humerus.
The outcomes of a shoulder replacement procedure can usually last for 15 to 20 years.
A physical assessment may be performed a few weeks before your surgery to ensure that you are physically prepared for the procedure. Before your operation, you will be asked to stop taking certain medications such as NSAIDs and blood thinners, as these can cause excessive bleeding. You should also make arrangements for someone to drive you home after shoulder replacement surgery.
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