Physical Examination and Screening in Kondapur, Hyderabad
Everyone should undergo screening tests once in a while. Depending upon your medical history, age, and lifestyle, your doctor will advise you to take screening tests. These physical examinations usually happen in pairs with some additional tests.
What is a physical examination or screening?
A physical examination is a routine screening test that you can undergo without a prescription or recommendation from a doctor. Your primary health care provider at Apollo Spectra Kondapur, like a general physician, a medical assistant, can perform this checkup for you.
A health-conscious individual can go for a physical examination to know about their overall health condition. You do not require to be sick to undergo this screening test.
When to see a doctor?
Visit your doctor if you haven't gone for a screening exam in more than a year. Try booking an appointment with your family physician for a screening test. If you don't have a family physician, book an appointment with any hospital for this test. The staff will guide you and tell you about the process.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Kondapur
Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment
How to Prepare for a Screening Test?
- Dress comfortably the day you go for screening.
- Tell your primary healthcare provider about all the drugs you take.
- Tell him about your medical history and surgical history (if any).
- You should let your doctor know if you have any implants, like a defibrillator, prostheses, or pacemaker.
- If you've other prescriptions given by your doctor or some recent test reports, show them to your healthcare provider.
- If you've experienced pain or discomfort anywhere in the body, let your healthcare provider know.
- Your healthcare provider will discuss the process of the screening with you. He will also entertain your question (if you have any.)
What Happens During the Screening Procedure?
- The nurse will ask some routine questions and ask if you drink or smoke and if so, how occasionally do you do so.
- The medical practitioner will check your height, weight, pulse, and blood pressure.
- The procedure starts with an inspection of your body. The healthcare provider and the assistant will check for lumps, marks, or other growth in your body.
- You will then require to lie down, and the healthcare provider will check your abdomen and the surrounding regions.
- With a stethoscope, the physician will check your breathing and the sounds of your intestines and lungs.
- Next in line, the physician will check your heart and see if there are any abnormal sounds.
- Using the 'tapping' technique, the physician will check if any fluid has accumulated in parts where it shouldn't be present.
What Happens After the Physical Examination is Over?
- As the physical examination is just a screening test, it will not require you to stay at the hospital.
- You can go home after the screening test is complete.
- If there are blood tests done alongside, then your reports will take a day. Otherwise, the general physician will hand them over to you the same day.
- If the healthcare provider notices abnormalities, then you will be required to go for additional tests.
A screening test helps you stay in touch with your body and also detect any abnormalities present. Sometimes the physician can also find out if you have deficiencies in the body. If you face issues during this screening test, let your primary medical health provider know.
- Abstain from consuming caffeine-rich products.
- Do not over-exercise.
- Drink enough water the day before your screening test.
- Don't eat fatty, salty, or junk food the day before.
- Your general physician can ask you to avoid any medicine.
- You might require fasting before your physical examination.
The four parts of any physical examination are:
- Inspection of the body.
- Palpation is where the physician touches and feels the body with fingers.
- Auscultation means listening to body sounds using a stethoscope.
- Percussion or tapping body parts.
Usually, doctors will recommend you to go for a physical examination once a year. This test is vital for you to know which parts of your body need your attention. Sometimes, you might need to go for additional tests after screening.
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