Wrist Arthroscopy Surgery in Kondapur, Hyderabad
The wrist arthroscopy surgery is performed by using tiny cameras and surgical tools. The camera and tools are used for examination and repairing of damaged tissues around the wrist. The camera that’s used in the process is known as an arthroscope. Small incisions are made in which the optic fibre camera is put. The process includes a small incision, hence, the pain involved in the procedure will be less and will recover fast.
Who can have wrist arthroscopy?
You can undergo wrist arthroscopy at Apollo Kondapur if you are having any one of these issues:
- If you are having wrist pain and are unable to perform the daily tasks, arthroscopy can be performed by the doctor on you to find the cause of the pain.
- Ganglion: Wrist arthroscopy can be performed to remove ganglion, which is a small liquid-filled sac that grows from the wrist joint. Ganglions are harmless but can cause pain and hinder movement.
- Ligament tear: A ligament connects bone to bone or bone to cartilage giving support and limiting the movements of your joints. Ligaments can be stretched or even torn causing sprains. These ligament tears or damages can be treated with this type of operations
What are the risks?
The following are the complications and risks involved with wrist arthroscopy:
- Allergies
- You can have lung and breathing problems
- Bleeding from the operated area
- Infections and blood clots are common if the operated area is not dressed properly
- Weakness in the arm and particularly in the wrist
- Injury to the tendon, blood vessels, etc.
What happens before the operation?
Before the surgery talk to your doctor about the procedure and the type of medications you are taking. You may be told not to take any blood thinners before the surgery and medicines, such as aspirins, ibuprofen, etc.
Always ask your doctor about the medicines that you can take before the surgery. Notify your doctor about your medical history, if you have any disease such as diabetes, sugar, heart condition, etc. If you smoke you will be advised not to as it delays the healing. Avoid alcohol and other intoxicants. Your doctor will inform you about when to stop eating or drinking before the surgery and what medicine you need to take before the surgery.
What happens during the operation?
General anaesthesia is given during wrist arthroscopy to put you in a controlled state of unconsciousness and relax your muscles. This prevents you from moving and feeling any pain during the operation. Local anaesthesia can also be given, which numbs the particular area that is going to be operated on. In some cases, medicines are given to make you fall asleep.
The surgeon then makes a small incision on the wrist in which the arthroscope is inserted. The camera is connected to a screen on which the surgeon can monitor the interior of the wrist. Then the surgeon checks all the tissues, bones, cartilage, and tendons and looks for damages or tears in them. The surgeon then proceeds to make 2-3 small incisions to insert other instruments. With the help of these instruments, the damaged parts will be removed or replaced. After that, the incisions will be closed by stitches and covered by bandages. Open surgery is also performed but it is used in case of serious damage.
What happens after the operation?
Generally, you can go home on the same day of the operation. Ask your friends or relatives beforehand to drive you back home after the surgery. The following should be done after the operation:
- Proper dressing must be done.
- Keep your limb elevated as it will help to reduce pain and swelling.
- You may have to wear a splint.
- Take the prescribed medicines given by your doctor.
- Don’t smoke or drink as it can slow the healing process.
- Avoid lifting anything heavy things and placing your arm in extreme positions.
- You can take painkillers if needed.
Wrist arthroscopy is a very safe procedure and it uses small incisions to operate. During recovery, you will experience less pain and stiffness. Wrist arthroscopy involves fewer complications and faster recovery.
Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Kondapur
Call 1860-500-2244 to book an appointment
Depending on the severity of the damage the surgery can last between 20 minutes to two hours.
The following are the complications and risks involved with wrist replacement:
- Infections at the operated area.
- Dislocation of the new wrist.
- Instability of the wrist.
- There are chances of implant failure.
- Allergies
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