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Venous Ulcers

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Venous Ulcer Surgery in Alwarpet, Chennai

Venous ulcers are open sores on the legs that take a long time to heal and can last for anywhere between a few weeks and years. The slow healing process is probably because of a weak blood flow in the limb.

What do we need to know about venous ulcers?

Venous ulcers usually occur below the knees and are painful. These are prone to infections, in the absence of proper treatment. Venous Ulcers can lead to serious problems and therefore, you should consult an experienced venous ulcer specialist in Chennai for advice and treatment. Or you can visit a venous surgery hospital near you.

What are the symptoms of venous ulcers?

Venous ulcers lead to burning or itching with swelling in the surrounding areas. You should also look for the following signs:

  • Flaking of the skin
  • The skin may appear darker or brownish
  • Foul-smelling discharge 

If there is an infection, you will notice fever, pus formation and swelling in the surrounding area of the ulcer.

What causes venous ulcers?

The primary cause of venous ulcers is damage to the valves in veins that control the blood pressure inside the veins. This results in the pooling of blood in the affected area with damage to the veins. Since there is an inadequate blood supply to the area, the tissues may die in the absence of nutrients, leading to ulcers. There is a leakage of fluid and blood cells that causes swelling. Following conditions can lead to venous ulcers:

  • Obesity
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Varicose veins
  • Chronic venous insufficiency 
  • Fracture or trauma
  • Pregnancy
  • Clotting disorders
  • Hypertension

When do you need to see a doctor?

If you notice that a skin sore on your leg is taking a long time to heal or suspect that there is an infection, then you should see any of the experienced venous ulcer doctors in Alwarpet for examination and treatment. In addition, a doctor’s consultation is necessary if the following symptoms are present:

  • Numbness in the affected area of the leg
  • Foul-smelling discharge
  • Pus formation
  • Swelling
  • Fever

These are typical signs of an infection. Failure to get immediate treatment can lead to severe infection that may eventually require an amputation. Visit a venous surgery hospital in Alwarpet to consult a specialist.

Request an appointment at Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Alwarpet, Chennai.

Call 1860 500 2244 to book an appointment.

How are venous ulcers treated?

Treatment of venous ulcers focuses on the improvement of blood flow in the affected region. This will boost healing. Using a compression bandage is also one of the treatment options, as it will improve the flow of blood.

In addition, the following treatments are also available:

  • Antibiotic treatment to clear the infection
  • Prevention of infection by using topical antibiotics
  • Regular dressing of the wound to clear the pus and other debris 
  • Skin grafting to close the skin opening 
  • Surgery to improve the blood flow


Irregular blood circulation or weak blood flow causes venous ulcers. These are open and non-healing sores, present in legs and more commonly around ankles. Venous ulcers can lead to serious complications and even amputation of the limb in the absence of proper treatment. You should seek proper treatment at any established venous surgery hospital in Alwarpet if any of the symptoms are present.

Are venous ulcers and arterial ulcers the same?

Venous ulcers occur because of inadequate blood flow back to the heart and damage to veins. In arterial ulcers, there is a poor blood supply to the tissues as there is damage to the arteries. Venous ulcers are more common than arterial ulcers.

How does a venous ulcer appear?

A venous ulcer presents with brown, red or purple spots. There may be swelling in the surrounding areas of the ulcer. The skin may feel warm to the touch. There may be a foul-smelling discharge in case of an infection.

Who is more likely to get venous ulcers?

People with a history of deep vein thrombosis or varicose veins are more likely to suffer from venous ulcers. In addition, leg injury, obesity, paralysis and osteoarthritis are some of the associated risk factors.

Are venous ulcers preventable?

You can prevent venous ulcers by remaining active and by maintaining your ideal body weight. Regular use of compression stockings can also help prevent Venous Ulcers. Visit an expert venous ulcer specialist in Chennai to know more about prevention and treatment.


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